Codrut Birsan

Founder: Chicago Summer Opera, Founder: Chicago Community Council, RCCC Ambassador
Romanian music will always remind us, Romanians, where we came from and who we are. That's why we need a Romanian Community Center of Chicago. That's why I am an Ambassador of the Romanian Community Center of Chicago. That's why "I'm in!"
Alina Cumpan

Founder: Authentic Society, Founding Member of RUF, Founder: Chicago Community Council, Volunteer, Honorary Member of ROCO, the Romanian Community Center
Founding Member  Volunteer 
I believe in Unity, in long-lasting programs, and in open doors for the ones that are willing to build bridges to a beautiful tomorrow. Join us today!
Oana Dobrean-Urzica

Founding Angel 
ROCO Executive Director
Oana is the Executive Director of ROCO. Prior to this role, she was one of the most active volunteers. She believes in the strength of our community, in doing good things, and in leaving something worthwhile behind.
Mihai Lehene

Board of Directors 
Founding Angel 
Founder, Romanian United Foundation
Founder  Volunteer (full)  Teacher 
Mihai is the Owner of MDL Investments, a real-estate and VC family-office with a focus on emerging technologies, including fintech, biotech and crypto. In 2020 Mihai resigned his business roles to run RUF, and in 2022 he was elected as President of FORA.
Adrian Nechiti

Founder, Vox Maris Band
I always felt that something was missing in our Community, in Chicago, a central point of connection for our people. It was a dream "if somebody would open a Community Center for all of us, that would be nice ..."
Constantin Nicolae

Founder RoActTheatre, Founder Chicago Community Council, RCCC Ambassador
Art is the best way to preserve and promote our origins and traditions. We need a Community Center to keep us together. I believe in the power of culture and I’m sure this center will open many doors for our artists around Chicago.
Marian Petruta

Honorary Member 
Editor In Chief: Lumea Libera; Founder: Chicago Community Council; Honorary Member of ROCO, the Romanian Community Center
De 15 ani activez in presa de limbă romană din Statele Unite, iar despre comunitatea românească din Chicago am scris și am promovat-o frecvent. Consider că este absolut necesar constituirea unui Centru Comunitar care să deservească românii din zonă.
Nicoleta Roman

Mezzo-Soprano, RUF Ambassador & VP of Donor Relations, RCCC Ambassador
Romanian-American Mezzo-Soprano Nicoleta Roman has been a prominent member of the Romanian community in Chicago for over 23 years. She is fond of her Romanian heritage, constantly promoting her values through her voice.

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