Started Jan 2022

Registration is now: CLOSED

Are you interested in Romanian Language Classes for your kids? Signup and we will let you know when our next class starts.

Romanian United Fund in partnership with ARCS- American Romanian Cultural Society is offering a paid 12-sessions Romanian language course starting in January.

The class will be offered online, but we're hoping to start offering classes in person at our Romanian Community Center in Chicago sometime soon. The age group and start time will be determined by the responses we receive.

Club Piticot (ages 4-5)
The program supports children in developing communication skills in Romanian. They will discover Romanian culture and traditions through play, movement, poems, games, storytime, arts and crafts. Basic or no knowledge of Romanian. Groups of 4-5 children / 30min, weekly sessions.
Improve Your Writing, Reading and Speaking Skills (ages 6-10)
In this course, students will practice reading, listening, writing, and speaking in Romanian. We will review the reading comprehension skills and strategies necessary for reading success using contemporary Romanian authors such as Victoria Pătrașcu (Cântecul lui Zurali) and Prințesa Urbană (Băiețelul cu Aripă de Fluture), among a few others. Taking as a departure point our chosen texts, we will explore notions of Romanian geography, culture and civilization. We will keep a vocabulary journal and write our own texts or blog entries. Whenever possible, we will meet the authors and interview them. Groups of 4-5 students / 60 min, weekly.
Introduction To Romanian (All ages)
This class is tailored for students of Romanian origin nationwide who do not understand, nor speak the language, but who have been exposed to Romanian culture and are curious to find out more about their heritage. They will learn basic conversational skills in Romanian and will develop their pronunciation, vocabulary, writing and reading knowledge.They will gain confidence and will be able to connect with their Romanian family in meaningful ways. No knowledge of Romanian required. Groups of 4-5 students / 60 min, weekly.
Learn more by visiting ARCS website.

Important Note

The first class to run will have a minimum of 5 students of the same age group. Please note that at this point we cannot guarantee class placement - this signup is only an expression of your interest. We'll try to offer more options in the near future.


If you have a passion for teaching and have expertise in the education field, we need you here - please check the box to the left! We are looking for teaching assistants and future teachers.

RUF - Romanian United Foundation


RUF is a 100% pass-through fundraising platform. We help diaspora & local nonprofits in Romania access the funding, tools, training, and support they need to become more effective. We do this by connecting NGOs, donors & volunteers from all over the world

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