Started Jan 2022
Registration is now: CLOSED
Are you interested in Romanian Language Classes for your kids? Signup and we will let you know when our next class starts.
Romanian United Fund in partnership with ARCS- American Romanian Cultural Society is offering a paid 12-sessions Romanian language course starting in January.
The class will be offered online, but we're hoping to start offering classes in person at our Romanian Community Center in Chicago sometime soon. The age group and start time will be determined by the responses we receive.
Club Piticot (ages 4-5)
Improve Your Writing, Reading and Speaking Skills (ages 6-10)
Introduction To Romanian (All ages)
Important Note
The first class to run will have a minimum of 5 students of the same age group. Please note that at this point we cannot guarantee class placement - this signup is only an expression of your interest. We'll try to offer more options in the near future.
If you have a passion for teaching and have expertise in the education field, we need you here - please check the box to the left! We are looking for teaching assistants and future teachers.