• Blog Post

    Maria Beatrice

    Asociația Maria Beatrice, Romania's first medical campus for premature children, offers comprehensive care with a focus on the family. It includes diagnosis, therapy, research, and family accommodation, emphasizing mother and sibling involvement, animal-assisted therapy, and wide-ranging medical services.
  • Blog Post

    #100Angels Campaign

  • Blog Post

    💌 Letters in Backpacks Campaign, April 2023

    Become a pen pal, fill a backpack for a child in the care of social services in Romania!

    Invite your friends, join the movement!


    Romanian United Fund has partnered with Dr Loren Michaels Harris, Hope 4 Kids by Gaudiopolis and RUF Ambassador Corina Murariu Botez, to create a pen pal program between Romanian children who are in the care of social services in Romania and children born in Romanian families abroad.



    The PenPal Project is a great example of how we can bring young Romanian people from different parts of the world together to share experiences through the power of the written word. 


    Become a Pen Pal


    Your first letter will fill an empty backpack that your new friend from Romania will enjoy. Help us add to the letter and the backpack some things that can be of great use and highly appreciated by the new person who will become acquainted with you!


    Donate to Fill a Backpack


    Together, we can make an impact in the lives of 200 kids from Romania and their pen pals around the world by building compassion, understanding and the spirit of giving that ignites us all.


    We Always Give 100%

    We Track Your Dollars

    100% of your donation goes directly to our projects. How do we do it? Our operating costs are covered by a small group of donors committed to providing the foundation for our work. Read more about our 100% Model.
    We verify, track, and report all expenses related to our investments. We carefully research and we only select the most trustworthy and the most efficient and effective nonprofit organizations to invest your dollars.
  • Blog Post

    ROCO Campaign $191,000+

    Campaign Name: ROCO

    Campaign Start: September, 2021

    Campaign Status: ONGOING

    Campain Platforms: Website

    Raised: $191,000+

    Target: $230,000

    Page last updated: Dec 1st, 2022


    PDF-uri, poze & filme

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    Cum am cheltuit banii

    • Fondurile sunt colectate prin intermediul RUF - 100% din fondurile donate pentru Centrul Comunitar sunt folosite in scopul amenajarii si deschiderii centrului
    • $191,000 finantati in colaborare cu Romanian United Fund*, care acopera:
      • sustinerea unei scoli pentru comunitatea locala, care sa includa si cursuri de limba romana;
      • angajarea unui director de programe responsabil de activitatea centrului si coordonarea a cel putin 12 activitati sau evenimente in fiecare an;
      • reamenajarea initiala estimata la aproximativ $120,000
      • bugetul de functionare pentru primul an este de $50,000
    • Pentru un centru sustenabil pe termen lung avem nevoie de:
      • 1,000 de sustinatori (x $10 pe familie) = $10,000
      • Aceste fonduri ne vor permite sa platim cel putin un salar full-time sau doua salarii part-time

    * bugetul de constructie fusese initial estimat la 50,000 dar intre timp spatiul a fost marit aproape de 2 ori.



    DISCLAIMER: Informatia de pe aceasta pagina este actualizata frecvent in functie de nevoile exprimate de comunitate si de deciziile luate de Consiliul ROCO. 

  • Blog Post

    You just made Magic happen!

    Thank you!

    Our sincere gratitude for your donation! Thanks to your contribution to the #PlayForGood campaign, children for whom circumstances beyond their control have disrupted their childhood experience will feel the joy of laughter. They will be able to dream, play, sing, make friends, and have a sense of belonging. Studies show that camps help children develop important social, emotional, and cognitive skills. Best of all, children create precious memories.

    Your generosity is what gives MagiCamp the resources and support needed to open the doors welcoming a new group of kids this summer to experience the Magic. Thank you for being the magician they need! You truly make a difference.

    Ready to do more?

    Become a RUF Member  Like us on Facebook  Join our Global Village

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    *Updated August 6th, 2021
    Thank you for your generous donation!
  • Blog Post

    Play For Good Campaign, June 2021. $82,000+

    Let's play and give joy to 250 children in Romania!

    Invite your friends to join, too!

    Together, we will send 250 kids with life-limiting conditions to MagiCAMP*. Watch the video below to learn how you can help.

    Update Sep 1st, 2021: 169 kids went to summer camp (so far)

    Make a Donation

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    Campaign Impact

    Campaign Video

    We Always Give 100%

    We Track Your Dollars

    100% of your donation goes directly to our projects. How do we do it? Our operating costs are covered by a small group of donors committed to providing the foundation for our work. Read more about our 100% Model.
    We verify, track, and report all expenses related to our investments. We carefully research and we only select the most trustworthy and the most efficient and effective nonprofit organizations to invest your dollars.

    MAGIC is something YOU make!


    Update Sep 1st, 2021: 169 kids went to summer camp (so far)

    *Updated August 6th, 2021


    Make a Donation

    Start a Fundraiser

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    Magic Logo
    *About MagiCAMP
    RUF’s partner, Asociatia Magic, serves over 5,000 Romanian kids affected by severe medical conditions. We all know someone special who fought bravely for their life, and every MagiCAMP kid is special this way. MagiCAMP, the special camp for children with severe conditions, is organized under the pandemic strict restrictions this year. Despite the tough times, efforts are made to provide joy and happiness to these children. The cost for one kid to go to the special camp for a week is $462.




    to all of our Campaign Ambassadors and to our Campaign Partners

    This campaign would not have been possible without you!