Blog Post
Little Programmers, Drawing and Animation (Fall 25)
Still skeptical? Witness the excitement firsthand by participating in our collaborative game, crafted right in the classroom, exclusively on Khan Academy (accessible via computer only).
Here, we're not just learning programming – we're crafting real games. Games that you and your friends can enjoy, ones that could even hit the virtual market at a price point close to $1 on the Apple Store. A word of caution to parents: this class is captivating and may trigger a coding addiction! And here's a tip: bring a friend, especially one of the same age; the fun level skyrockets when shared with your best pals.
Key Features:
- Class starts on October 2, 2024
- 24 lessons 1h/week
- Program value $1000 offered to Members* for $100 ✨
- Engaging and interactive lessons
- Expert instructor
- Personalized attention for every child
- Hands-on learning
Class Dates
Every Wednesday, 5:30-6:30 PM CST
Class Format
Format: online on Zoom
Class Modules
- Months 1-3: Drawing (12 sessions)
- Target Audience: 8-16
- Months 4-6: Animation (12 sessions)
- Target Audience: 10-16
- Follow up:
- Advanced students can join our private Game Building class (4 sessions + 8 Q&A sessions)
Class Topics
- Intro to Programming
- Drawing basics
- Coloring
- Variables
- Animation basics
- Interactive programs
- Becoming a better coder
- Bonus: Resizing with variables
- Text and strings
- Functions
- Logic and if Statements
- Debugging programs
- Looping
- Writing clean code
- Arrays: Intro to JS
Game Design: The second part of class is based on students abilities and choices. Every class is different: we design a new game every time, and we walk the kids through creating their own games.
In 2021, after two months, with just a little help, the kids were able to create their own little game. Play our game on Khan Academy, and keep an eye on our Youtube channel for the latest version.
Meet our Teachers
Eli Katz
Volunteer Teacher since 2020
Eli is a professional software developer in Chicago and has been teaching computer programming with RUF since April 2020. He is excited to promote curiosity and interest in STEM fields and inspire children in an engaging and fun class.Mihai Lehene
President and Founding Member of RUF
Mihai is a Founding Member and the President of RUF. Passionate and caring, Mihai’s goal is to inspire all around him to be better and help each other, especially his fellow Romanian Americans.Conţinutul acestui site/ website nu reprezintă poziţia oficială a Departamentului pentru Românii de Pretutindeni
Proiect finanțat de Departamentul pentru Românii de Pretutindeni (martie – octombrie 2024) -
Blog Post
Little Programmers, Drawing and Animation (Fall 24)
Still skeptical? Witness the excitement firsthand by participating in our collaborative game, crafted right in the classroom, exclusively on Khan Academy (accessible via computer only).
Here, we're not just learning programming – we're crafting real games. Games that you and your friends can enjoy, ones that could even hit the virtual market at a price point close to $1 on the Apple Store. A word of caution to parents: this class is captivating and may trigger a coding addiction! And here's a tip: bring a friend, especially one of the same age; the fun level skyrockets when shared with your best pals.
Key Features:
- Class starts on October 2, 2024
- 24 lessons 1h/week
- Program value $1000 offered to Members* for $100 ✨
- Engaging and interactive lessons
- Expert instructor
- Personalized attention for every child
- Hands-on learning
Class Dates
Every Wednesday, 5:30-6:30 PM CST
Class Format
Format: online on Zoom
Class Modules
- Months 1-3: Drawing (12 sessions)
- Target Audience: 8-16
- Months 4-6: Animation (12 sessions)
- Target Audience: 10-16
- Follow up:
- Advanced students can join our private Game Building class (4 sessions + 8 Q&A sessions)
Class Topics
- Intro to Programming
- Drawing basics
- Coloring
- Variables
- Animation basics
- Interactive programs
- Becoming a better coder
- Bonus: Resizing with variables
- Text and strings
- Functions
- Logic and if Statements
- Debugging programs
- Looping
- Writing clean code
- Arrays: Intro to JS
Game Design: The second part of class is based on students abilities and choices. Every class is different: we design a new game every time, and we walk the kids through creating their own games.
In 2021, after two months, with just a little help, the kids were able to create their own little game. Play our game on Khan Academy, and keep an eye on our Youtube channel for the latest version.
Meet our Teachers
Eli Katz
Volunteer Teacher since 2020
Eli is a professional software developer in Chicago and has been teaching computer programming with RUF since April 2020. He is excited to promote curiosity and interest in STEM fields and inspire children in an engaging and fun class.Mihai Lehene
President and Founding Member of RUF
Mihai is a Founding Member and the President of RUF. Passionate and caring, Mihai’s goal is to inspire all around him to be better and help each other, especially his fellow Romanian Americans.Conţinutul acestui site/ website nu reprezintă poziţia oficială a Departamentului pentru Românii de Pretutindeni
Proiect finanțat de Departamentul pentru Românii de Pretutindeni (martie – octombrie 2024) -
Blog Post
Little Programmers, Drawing and Animation (Fall 23)
Experimentați cea mai mare aventură în programare în această clasă! Eliberați-vă creativitatea și pătrundeți în lumea programării - este clasa pe care pur și simplu nu o puteți rata! Indiferent de originea sau locația dumneavoastră, vă așteaptă o experiență UIMITOARE. Acest curs este despre energie ridicată și învățare rapidă, oferind o experiență imersivă și plină de entuziasm.Încă sunteți sceptici? Să vedeți entuziasmul în mod direct, participând la jocul nostru de colaborare, creat chiar în sala de clasă, exclusiv pe platforma Khan Academy (accesibilă doar prin calculator).
Aici, nu doar învățăm programare - creăm jocuri reale. Jocuri pe care tu și prietenii tăi le puteți savura, jocuri care ar putea ajunge chiar pe piața virtuală la un preț apropiat de 1 dolar pe Apple Store. Un sfat pentru părinți: această clasă este captivantă și ar putea declanșa o pasiune pentru programare! Și iată un sfat: aduceți un prieten, în special unul de aceeași vârstă; nivelul distracției atinge cote maxime atunci când îl împărțiți cu cei mai buni prieteni.
Caracteristici cheie:
- Cursul începe pe 4 octombrie 2023
- 24 de lecții, 1 oră/săptămână
- Valoarea programului 1000 de dolari oferit membrilor* pentru 100 de dolari ✨
- Lecții antrenante și interactive
- Instructor expert
- Atenție personalizată pentru fiecare copil
- Învățare practică
În 2021, după doar două luni și cu puțină ajutor, copiii au reușit să creeze propriul lor mic joc. Jucați-vă jocul pe Khan Academy și urmăriți canalul nostru de pe YouTube pentru cea mai recentă versiune.
Still skeptical? Witness the excitement firsthand by participating in our collaborative game, crafted right in the classroom, exclusively on Khan Academy (accessible via computer only).
Here, we're not just learning programming – we're crafting real games. Games that you and your friends can enjoy, ones that could even hit the virtual market at a price point close to $1 on the Apple Store. A word of caution to parents: this class is captivating and may trigger a coding addiction! And here's a tip: bring a friend, especially one of the same age; the fun level skyrockets when shared with your best pals.
Key Features:
- Class starts on October 4, 2023
- 24 lessons 1h/week
- Program value $1000 offered to Members* for $100 ✨
- Engaging and interactive lessons
- Expert instructor
- Personalized attention for every child
- Hands-on learning
Class Dates
Every Wednesday, 5:30-6:30 PM CST
Class Format
Format: Hybrid - in person at ROCO Chicago, and/or: on Zoom
Class Modules
- Months 1-3: Drawing (12 sessions)
- Target Audience: 8-16
- Months 4-6: Animation (12 sessions)
- Target Audience: 10-16
- Follow up:
- Advanced students can join our private Game Building class (4 sessions + 8 Q&A sessions)
Class Topics
- Intro to Programming
- Drawing basics
- Coloring
- Variables
- Animation basics
- Interactive programs
- Becoming a better coder
- Bonus: Resizing with variables
- Text and strings
- Functions
- Logic and if Statements
- Debugging programs
- Looping
- Writing clean code
- Arrays: Intro to JS
Game Design: The second part of class is based on students abilities and choices. Every class is different: we design a new game every time, and we walk the kids through creating their own games.
In 2021, after two months, with just a little help, the kids were able to create their own little game. Play our game on Khan Academy, and keep an eye on our Youtube channel for the latest version.
Meet our Teachers
Eli Katz
Volunteer Teacher since 2020
Eli is a professional software developer in Chicago and has been teaching computer programming with RUF since April 2020. He is excited to promote curiosity and interest in STEM fields and inspire children in an engaging and fun class.Mihai Lehene
President and Founding Member of RUF
Mihai is a Founding Member and the President of RUF. Passionate and caring, Mihai’s goal is to inspire all around him to be better and help each other, especially his fellow Romanian Americans.Conţinutul acestui site/ website nu reprezintă poziţia oficială a Departamentului pentru Românii de Pretutindeni
Proiect finanțat de Departamentul pentru Românii de Pretutindeni (martie – octombrie 2023) -
Blog Post
Urban Camp "Salut! Vrei sa fim prieteni?"
Starts On
August 14th-18th, 2023
Daily drop off at 9:30 am pick up at 4:00 pm
Where at?
5406 N Kedzie Ave, Chicago,
IL, 60625
Salut! Do you want to be friends? A project funded by Departamentul pentru Românii de Pretutindeni organised by Povești spuse-n românește (POVESTi, UK) in partnership with Dra.ma Acting for Life (UK) and Romanian United Fund (US).
Urban Camp Dates
August 14th-18th, 2023
- Lunch is provided every day for the kids (except Saturday)
- Please use the "Sign Up" button above to be added to the waiting list
- This represents just an expression of interest and does not guarantee placement
Camp Address
Activities will take place at ROCO Chicago:
5406 N Kedzie Ave, Chicago, IL 60625, United States
What should you expect
Romanian language communication program is divided into two stages:
1. Romanian Language Summer Camp | Chicago | August 14 - 19 2023
9:30 - Drop off
10:00 - 12:00: Interactive Communication sessions in Romanian led by POVESTi tutors
12:00 - 13:00: Lunch
13:00 - 15:00 - Creative workshops in Romanian and/or English led by Dra.ma members
16:00 - Pick up
On the last day the children will have a mini-show in Romanian for friends and family where they will present what they have learned during the camp.
2. 10 online Romanian language courses | 28 August - 4 November 2023
Children will participate in online sessions on the Zoom app and sessions will last one hour and will be grouped in groups of minimum 12 maximum 15 depending on language level and age.
Blog Post
Summer Math Tutoring
Starts On
June 22, 2023
Virtually on Zoom
2h/week + homework
Program Fee
Meet our Tutor
Tudor, born in Romania, embarked on a twelve-year adventure in Berlin before moving to the Bay Area two years ago. Tudor is eager to share his passion for mathematics and make a positive impact in his community.Conquer math Kangaroo problems like never before! Learn and have fun in this adventure of knowledge and discovery. It's intense, invigorating, and undeniably enjoyable. Join us, regardless of who you are or where you're from, and unleash your inner math genius. Parents, beware! Once your child enters this world of mathematical adventures, there's no turning back. It's addictive in the best way possible. And here's a secret tip: bring a friend your age. Conquer math challenges and create incredible games together for an amplified thrill. Get ready to tap into your limitless potential and uncover the joy of mathematics.
Class Dates
Classes will start as soon as we have our groups formed and will take place during summer months on:
- Mondays, 11am -1pm PST (1-3pm CST)
- Wednesdays 11am -1pm PST (1-3pm CST)
Class Format
Virtually on Zoom
What should you expect
The problems and subjects in Kangaroo Math are presented in a fun and engaging fashion, that engages the child's mind at a higher logical level while preserving the interest in the subject.
The Kangaroo curriculum includes relatively advanced Mathematical concepts that exceed what is learned in class. The following concepts will be introduced, not only for the older kids but also for younger ones:
- Logical deduction, induction, and formal reasoning techniques
- Discrete Mathematics (number theory, counting, sets, and probabilities)
- Plan and three-dimensional geometry (not usually treated elsewhere)
- Basic combinatorics
- Equations and systems of equations
- Our problems do not include any Calculus or Precalculus topics
Blog Post
✅ Computer Programming (Fall 22)
Starts On
Oct 3rd, 2022
2 modules x 12 weeks
1h/week + homework
Program Fee
$300 per module (x2)
$100 ✨ for Members
Registration is now CLOSED
Online Meet & Greet Session
Wednesday, September 21, 2022, 5:30 PM CST
For kids and parents: join online to learn more about this class.
Sign up for the meet & greet only
In Person Meet & Greet Session
Wednesday, September 28, 2022, 5:30 PM CST
Bring your kids and enjoy a fun and relaxed discussion about this class.
Forget anything you've heard about programming - this is the COOL class, the BEST class, the FUN class! It doesn't matter who you are or where you're joining us from, this class is AWESOME. This is a fast rhythm, learn-as-much-as-you-can type of class, intensive but extremely enjoyable.Don't believe us? See for yourself: play the game we created together (in class) on Khan Academy (only runs on a computer).
In this class, we're creating actual games. Games that you and I can play, games that could sell for $1 on the Apple Store (almost). Be careful parents, this is addictive. And one last word of advice: bring a friend in (preferably the same age), it's WAAAY more fun when you do it with your best buddies.
Class Dates
Every Wednesday, 5-6PM CST
Class Format
Format: Hybrid - in person at ROCO Chicago, or: on Zoom (Click Here, password provided in your welcome email)
Class Modules
- Months 1-3: Drawing (12 sessions)
- Target Audience: 8-16
- Months 4-6: Animation (12 sessions)
- Target Audience: 10-16
- Follow up:
- Advanced students can join our private Game Building class (4 sessions + 8 Q&A sessions)
Class Topics
Game Design: The second part of class is based on students abilities and choices. Every class is different: we design a new game every time, and we walk the kids through creating their own games.
Meet our Teachers
Eli Katz
Volunteer Teacher since 2020
Eli is a professional software developer in Chicago and has been teaching computer programming with RUF since April 2020. He is excited to promote curiosity and interest in STEM fields and inspire children in an engaging and fun class.Mihai Lehene
President and Founding Member of RUF
Mihai is a Founding Member and the President of RUF. Passionate and caring, Mihai’s goal is to inspire all around him to be better and help each other, especially his fellow Romanian Americans.
Learn more about Drawing and Animation Program for 10 to 14 Year Olds.
Previous Class: Fall 2022
Previous Classes: March 2020, Fall 2020
27 children started our March 2020 Module. By the end of the first 12 lessons, there were all able to draw, and some were able to do basic animations.
After a little over two months, with just a little help, the kids were able to create their own little game. Play our game on Khan Academy, and keep an eye on our Youtube channel for the latest version.
- Months 1-3: Drawing (12 sessions)