Donate to Daruieste Viata
Your contribution makes Romania healthier.
Daruieste Viata, (Give Life) gives a hand in making Romania healthier with the help of donors like you. They have built the first privately funded National Hospital of Children with Cancer, Severe Diseases and Trauma, and also remodeled, redecorated, and completely equipped with the newest medical technology a variety of hospital oncology wards that now function at western standards, making possible for thousands of patients to receive proper healthcare. Your contribution makes Romania healthier.
Daruieste Viata, (Give Life) gives a hand in making Romania healthier with the help of donors like you. They have built the first privately funded National Hospital of Children with Cancer, Severe Diseases and Trauma, and also remodeled, redecorated, and completely equipped with the newest medical technology a variety of hospital oncology wards that now function at western standards, making possible for thousands of patients to receive proper healthcare. Your contribution makes Romania healthier.
$6,680.00 raised so far. Help us get to $150,000.00
Recent Activity
donationSzabolcs-Csongor Antal donated 2023-08-25 04:02:22 -0500
donationAlexandru Salcianu donated 2022-07-20 08:31:50 -0500
donationAlexandru Salcianu donated 2021-12-30 15:04:43 -0600
donationAlexandru Salcianu donated 2021-12-15 17:24:54 -0600
page publishedRUF - Romanian United Foundation published Daruieste Viata in Support Causes in Romania 2021-02-06 13:08:20 -0600