Alianta Ukrainian Refugee Fund in Romania

Romania is now home to hundreds of thousands of refugees from Putin’s war on Ukraine. More than any country other than Poland. Romanian citizens, NGOs, and the government are welcoming them and providing as much support as they can. But we need to help Romanians help the refugees.

That’s why Alianta, in partnership with the Romanian United Fund (RUF), is asking you to:

  • Give as generously as you can to our Refugee Fund
  • Share this opportunity with others who care

Your contribution will be distributed directly by RUF (a US 501c3) to Alianta’s vetted, approved list of nonprofit organizations working in Romania to support the Ukrainian refugees. Your donation is fully tax-deductible in the United States. The initial list of NGOs is below. Additional ones will be added as needs change.

1. Casa Sperantei
2. Good Samaritan
3. Habitat for Humanity
4. Romanian Red Cross
5. Rotary Piatra NeamČ›
6. UNHCR Romania
7. UNICEF Romania
8. World Central Kitchen

Partner now with Alianta by following the steps below for contributing to RUF in support of Alianta’s funding campaign for urgent relief to Ukrainian refugees in Romania. Donate now! 

$2,055.00 raised so far. Help us get to $2,500.00

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