Pay Tasuleasa Camp

On this page you can pay for the Tășuleasa Volunteering Camp. For 2 kids, please make 2 payments.

Please pay the higher amount if your child requires transfer to Straja from Tășuleasa (some children go to a second camp at Straja; transfer is arranged, taken care of and included in the higher price below)

  • Tășuleasa Camp cost: $400/child for 7 nights
  • Transportation
    • $52 from Sarmisegetuza to Copșa Mica + from Copșa Mica to Tășuleasa
    • $69 from Tășuleasa to Straja (additionally)
  • Wire transfer cost: $2
  • Total:
    • $454 for kids that go to Tășuleasa
    • $523 for kids that go to Tășuleasa and Straja

Kids dropoff: Sarmisegetuza Regia, architectural site parking lot, 4 PM on July 2nd.

Kids pickup: Tășuleasa Social, 12 PM on July 9th (for kids that are not transferred to "Straja" camp)

Tasuleasa Address: Piatra Fântânele, str. Obcioara, nr. 97, Comuna Tiha Bargaului, Bistrita Nasaud

This camp is setup through Romanian United Fund. Kind ask: if you are not already a member or a founding angel, please consider consider signing up. Thank you.

18 donors so far. Help us get to 21

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RUF is a 100% pass-through fundraising platform**

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