Our partner organizations work closely with local hospitals, and they purchase and deliver life-saving personal protection equipment, respirators, and other necessary medical supplies.


Most of the funds currently are directed to MagiCAMP (the largest fundraising campaign at 1,000,000 EUR). We also work with Caravana cu Medici, Vedem Just, Funky Citizens to fundraise in order to finance the fight against Coronavirus. You can work with any of our trusted partners to create a fundraiser.

MagiCAMP and the other organizations work closely with all COVID hospitals in Romania, and they also work with smaller hospitals and ambulance stations, as well as other facilities in need. Your local hospital is most likely on that list already. MagiCAMP has a long list of hospitals and they keep track of hospital requests for PPE and other equipment. Your local hospital can contact MagiCAMP at [email protected]. Magicamp is very transparent in disseminating information about the equipment they distributed all over the country, as you can see on this website: Harta Spitalelor care au Primit Donatii

If you have specific needs that need to be met (ventilators, masks, etc), we will relay this information to MagiCAMP and try to make sure that they update their database of needed materials, or we will work with you to create your specific fundraiser through one of our other trusted partners if that is recommended. Please contact us on Facebook and ask to speak with our Acquisitions Team.

Disclaimer: Romanian United Fund is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, limited by US laws, and we are acting internationally, which means we have other limitations related to compliance, anti-money laundering, anti-terrorism. As such, we can only work with a limited set of partners. All funds raised by RUF will be directed to Romania through one of our partners, verified NGOs, based on existing contracts.

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