Ai ramas fara o sursa de venit? Esti ingrijorat in ceea ce priveste plata chiriei sau a altor facturi?

 Has your income been cut or you no longer have a job? Worried about rent & payments?


 Administratia Trump a transmis miercuri, 18 martie, ca Departamentul de Dezvoltare Urbana va suspenda pana la sfarsitul lunii aprilie toate evacuarile si executarile silite ale ipotecilor imobiliare. 

Acestea fiind zise, e de preferat sa discuti cu proprietarul sau banca cu care ai imprumutul in cazul in care ai ramas fara sursa de venit. Puteti ajunge la o intelegere: o reducere temporara a sumei lunare care trebuie platita sau plata facuta in rate. Majoritatea bancilor sunt constiente de mediul financiar actual si sunt dispuse sa discute si sa ajunga la un conses si solutie. 


 If you are facing reduced hours or job loss and are worried about making your rent or mortgage payment this month, stay calm — President Trump said Wednesday that the Department of Housing and Urban Development will suspend “all foreclosures and evictions” through the end of April.

That said, you will still want to discuss your options with your mortgage lender or landlord if you have experienced a disruption in your income. Here are some steps to take now. 

Below is a list of websites to use if you are in financial distress:

   What to do if you can't pay rent/mortgage

   City of Chicago: Financial Assistance


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