Romania Insider is the most-read English – language online portal dedicated to Romania, covering the main topics of the moment in Romanian business, politics & society, as well as looking at practical topics for its readers. is the most-read English – language online portal dedicated to Romania, covering the main topics of the moment in Romanian business, politics & society, as well as looking at practical topics for its readers, including glimpses into the Romanian culture, travel & expat life. They publish News & features, Interviews & Opinion pieces. is read by over 3 million readers from all over the world every year. Its premium, high-income audience includes top management based in Romania – expats, as well as locals, global and regional investors, business owners & entrepreneurs, management of large corporations in Romania and the region, business analysts, investment funds and international banks management, diplomats, EU officials, journalists from large media outlets.

During its 11-year history, has helped companies from various sectors, such as real estate, finance & banking, hospitality, consultancy services, pharma, education, IT&C reach its audience with advertising & special project campaigns.

The content of is often quoted by publications such as BBC, CNN, Bloomberg, Forbes, Euronews, NBC, New Yorker, Politico, Newsweek, Business Insider, The Guardian, among others.

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