
Românul Corp Online Language School offers virtual classes to children and adults interested in learning Romanian and understanding and connecting with the most important aspects of the Romanian language and culture. We strive to offer our students quality courses through dialogue, play, music, project-based activities, critical thinking, and interactions with their peers in Romania and with the Romanian-American community.

The school is organized by Romanul Corp, a 501c3 non-profit organization from Connecticut, but we welcome students from any other state who can connect remotely via Zoom.
Please visit our school's webpage at

A new semester of classes will start on September 23. Registration is open at

What we offer:
        small online classes of up to 5 students
        curriculum using modern methodologies
        heritage language methodology adapted to each level of competence and age
        experienced and dedicated teachers
        low fees for the Romanian-American community
        summer outdoor classes and events in person (Connecticut only)
        full scholarships for families in need.

More details, events, and announcements can be found at

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