Summer is drawing to an end, and everyone is returning from vacation. The RUF and ROCO teams are back, and we're happy to bring you exciting news and updates on our projects and programs.
Herald Highlights
RUF Excellence Center
All class registrations are OPEN
- School starts Oct 3rd. Register now.
Romanian American National Heritage Award
- Deadline for submissions is Sep 30. Apply now.
ROCO Chicago
Signup for upcoming events
1,000 members campaign starts now
The RUF Gala. Photos, videos, and sponsors.
Ukrainian Peace Fund (UPF) Update
Schools are about to start, and the minds are ready to assimilate new information!
We are no exception and getting ready to open the first week of October:
As of this semester, classes will be hybrid (in person at ROCO, the Romanian Community Center in Chicago, and online via zoom).
The Romanian American National Heritage Award-6th Edition
The award recognizes exceptional contributions to the cohesion of the Romanian community and the preservation of its heritage, language, culture, and traditions.
June 30 - Submission of Applications Opened
September 30 - Submission of Applications Closes
October 15 - Winners Announced
It is granted by the American Romanian Cultural Society and Romanian United Fund, with the endorsement of the Embassy of Romania to the United States. The Award Ceremony will be hosted at the Alianța Gala on November 30th - December 1st.
ROCO Chicago
RUF's main goal until year's end is the completion and successful delivery of ROCO Chicago. The campaign to finance the center by reaching 1,000 members is about to restart. We need everyone's help.
Since launching, ROCO has hosted various events for the Romanian community in Chicago. This was only possible by community members coming together.
Here is a list of events ROCO Chicago has hosted so far:
Greg Borzo on Chicago and How to Publish a Book
Via Transilvanica Film Premiere Chicago
The Story of an Immigrant Journey - Book Signing Event with Domnica Radulescu
Together with the Chicago community, RUF is launching ROCO, The Romanian Community Center. The center is donated to the community itself: you own it, and it is yours. By December 31st, 1,000 members will make the center a reality.
Remember: RUF Gala
Our Gala sponsors are celebrated this week at ROCO, their names displayed on two large screens adorning our entrance.
Would you consider sponsoring ROCO? Our permanent DONOR WALL is ready to be installed at the end of the year and will have the names of all the donors. In the meantime, our 6-foot-tall TVs at the center proudly display our donors.
On this occasion, we are happy to share our Gala Highlights video again.
Nothing would have been possible without the support of our sponsors, partners, volunteers, donors, and guests.
Flowers: Ordinary Seed
Catering: Ovy Signature Catering
Projection: Stand and Clap Entertainment
DJ: Ciprian Pop
Live music: Paula Seling, Daniela Ionescu Bisenius, Bane Djordejevic
Filming: Liviu Roman, Cody Barbu, Victor Durgheu
Editing: Cody Barbu
Graphic Design: Deeea Rebaltescu
Program Coordinator: Georgiana Merdariu
Master of ceremony: Ligia Apostoianu, Tudor Petrut
Volunteers: Nicoleta Roman, Miruna Zamfirescu, Adina Sandu, Dan Cosma, Luciana Nemtanu, Claudia Lehene, Mihaela Livanu, Onita Circu, Oana Dobrean, Diana Ulici, Monica Moigradan, Codruta Bodi, Irina Nedeljkovic, Monica Bora, Mona Zaha, Ioana Savos, Oana Dobreanu Urzica, Cosmina Ungur, Liviu Soneriu, Anamaria Grecu, Adrian Nechiti, Geneva Coca, Petrache Natalia and so many others. Thank you!
You all are our Gala’s closing credits, and you deserve all the recognition, gratitude, praise, and attention because nothing, and we mean nothing, would have been possible without you.
Ukrainian Peace Fund Update
House Of Ukrainian Friends is one of the projects we financed to aid Ukrainian refugees in Romania. The young ones are still taking advantage of the weather on summer break. They also recently received an assortment of toys from the USA and "Chicago Cubs" fan wear. The fundraiser is still open if you wish to contribute.
Ukrainian Peace Fund has raised over $317,000, and we have selected the following organizations/projects to finance based on an audit and an evaluation conducted by outside experts.
World Vision Romania: $64,380
Crucea Rosie Romana: $20,000
Salvati Copiii Romania: $20,000
Asociatia Ingeri pentru Suflete: $15,000
Asociatia Sange pentru Romania: $15,000
Asociatia pentru Relatii Comunitare (ARC): $20,000
Fundatia Regala Principesa Margareta a Romaniei: $20,000
Caravana cu Medici: $8,500
Fundatia Inovatii Sociale Regina Maria: $8,000
Code for Romania: $8,000
Geeks for Democracy: $8,000
- Parinti Salvatori: $12,696
- UiPath Foundation: $62,275
- House of Ukrainian Friends: $87,667
Active Campaigns
Amazon Smile Campaign
Select RUF as your charity of choice on Amazon today.
If you use the Amazon app on your phone, you will have to turn on "Generating Donations" on every device you use (Settings > Amazon Smile > Turn ON Amazon Smile). When you purchase from your computer, make sure you use (not simply Amazon doesn't make it easy on us :)
Check out and share our Amazon Smile video on YouTube (courtesy of Cody Barbu).
Follow us on Social Media.
Romanian United Fund
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