When September 05, 2024 at 11:00am CDT 1 hr 30 mins
Where Zoom
Contact Marina Ceclan [email protected]


About the Excellence Center

The RUF Excellence Center, brought to you by the Romanian United Foundation, is a cornerstone in the development of both diaspora and local nonprofits in Romania. We ensure access to essential resources - from funding to training. Dive deep into courses on computer programming, stock market investing, cybersecurity, mathematics, and the Romanian language. We currently offer classes to children between 6 and 14 years old, taught mostly by Romanian teachers living in North America.

Event Details

Join us for our specialized webinar "The Importance of Preserving the Romanian Language Beyond Borders: Efficient Teaching Methods in the Diaspora". Delve into practical strategies designed to adapt the curriculum to meet the unique needs of students, and explore best practices in ongoing teacher development. This event is meticulously tailored for Romanian Language Teachers in the Diaspora, offering targeted insights and methodologies to enhance teaching effectiveness across varying student proficiency levels. Engage with fellow educators and gain valuable tools to empower your teaching approach and promote Romanian language education in your community.

Key Features

Field Experts: Facilitated by distinguished educators and specialists in Romanian Language preservation and education, including professors with extensive experience in curriculum development and language instruction. Gain insights from researchers and practitioners who have contributed significantly to the field of Romanian language education in diaspora contexts.

Title: The Importance of Preserving the Romanian Language Beyond Borders: Efficient Teaching Methods in the Diaspora
Moderators: Marina Ceclan
Date: September 7th, 2024
Platform: Zoom (link will be communicated in your RSVP confirmation email)

Event Agenda

  • Inaugural Speech on the Importance of Preserving the Romanian Language in the Diaspora: This will be an opening address emphasizing the significance of maintaining Romanian language and culture among Romanian communities living outside Romania.
  • Panel Discussion with Experts and Teachers from the Diaspora: A moderated discussion featuring insights and experiences shared by experts and educators who specialize in teaching Romanian language and culture in various diaspora communities.
  • Effective Methods and Practices for Teaching the Romanian Language: Webinars or presentations focused on showcasing successful strategies and innovative approaches for teaching Romanian effectively in diverse educational settings outside Romania.
  • Steps Towards Recognizing Romanian as a Second Language in Various Educational Systems: This segment will explore initiatives and policies aimed at formal recognition and integration of Romanian as a second language in educational curricula and certifications internationally.
  • Conclusions and Future Plans for Collaboration within Centers of Excellence: The webinar will conclude with a summary of key findings, proposed actions, and plans for future collaboration among institutions and educators involved in promoting Romanian language education and excellence globally.

Don't miss this opportunity to improve your Romanian language teaching skills and contribute to the education of students in your communities. Click the registration button to secure your spot at our event.

Contact Us

Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact our team. Email: [email protected]


Proiect finanțat de Departamentul pentru Românii de Pretutindeni" (martie – octombrie 2024)

Conţinutul acestui site/ website nu reprezintă poziţia oficială a Departamentului pentru Românii de Pretutindeni

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