100% of donations are transferred to one of our trusted community partners in Romania. They will make the acquisition of PPE, medical supplies, tests, and respirators and distribute them to the hospitals.  


Romanian United Fund is a 100% pass-through organization. This means all donations are transferred to one of our trusted community partners in Romania, based on the contract we have with them. The only sums deducted are related to Facebook transfer, bank and wire fees. Our partners will make the acquisition of PPE, medical supplies, tests, and respirators and distribute them to the hospitals. For other types of expenses please go here.

You need to work with one of our partners in Romania to guarantee the funds arrive at the right hospital/city.

This being said, should you decide for instance to work with MagiCAMP, you can sign up to start a fundraiser by using this Google Form. If you like to work with another one of our partner organizations, please contact us.

Disclaimer: Romanian United Fund is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, limited by US laws, and we are acting internationally, which means we have other limitations related to compliance, anti-money laundering, anti-terrorism. As such, we can only work with a limited set of partners. All funds raised by RUF will be directed to Romania through one of our partners, verified NGOs, based on existing contracts.

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