Andrei Cotor

I am an 18 years old boy with a strong interest for computers.

From a young age, I developed a passion for computers, ever since I have read my first encyclopedia, which described how this technology would revolutionize our world. It later developed into a passion for Computer Science, and a wish to become part of this rapidly evolving field.

During high school I took part in Competitive Programming contests like USACO (where I am in the Platinum Division), and the Romanian National Olympiad in Informatics (where I got the 2nd prize).

By volunteering at Romanian United Fund I feel that I am able to value my passion, while learning about new technologies (chatbots), and helping Romanians from all around the world become more united.

Recent Activity

  • volunteer signup
    Andrei Cotor
    wants to volunteer 2020-08-10 15:30:51 -0500