Association Partner For You

Nothing changes without you!
Partner for You Association (PFY) is a non-governmental, non-profit and apolitical organization, whose mission is to support communities, especially in rural areas, for cultural, educational and social development, civic and entrepreneurial spirit.

Nothing changes without you!

In the field of civic education, public administration, adocacy, PFY monitors the activity of the local public administration in Merisani Commune, petitions the institution for solving some needs and introducing on the public agenda some issue, such as infrastructure, social protection. PFY conducts adocacy campaigns for housing, develops civic skills at the community level, participates in local council meetings and put pressure on the local councilors to follow the legislation on good governance. It puts into practice innovative methods of involving citizens in the decision-making process:photovoice, worldcafe, discussion workshops, forum theatre.

In the field of education for children and adults, PFY organizes thematic community workshops, actions for environmental education and healthy lifestyle of children in the vulnerable community, remedial education, literacy. Provides homework support and preparation of half-yearly assessments for adults enrolled in the Second Chance Program.

In the field of social economy and entrepreneurship, PFY initiates vocational training programs and insertion on the labor market of vulnerable people, organizes activities to promote economic and local potential.

In the field of access to public services, PFY provides direct assistance to vulnerable people in accessing health programs, offers information about the health related rights and services, requires the local public administration to do social investigations to solve housing situations, early shool drop-out, family planning, domestic violence.

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