To help Brașov, we have partnered through Romanian United Fund with national nonprofit organizations in Romania - Dăruiește Viață, MagiCAMP, and Tășuleasa Social - that are positioned in the global market to acquire and deliver life-saving personal protection equipment, respirators, and other necessary medical supplies.
Please make a donation to help Brașov by clicking on any of the team members’ profiles below. Please share with all your friends and acquaintances. Together we are stronger.

I am originally from Brasov, Romania. I live with my husband and two children in Boston, Massachusetts. My expertise is in educational systems and my passion, in addition to access to quality education for all, is working with others for the common good.

I was born in Brasov, Romania where I've spent my early childhood.
Currently I'm living in Chicago with my wife and two children. I love working with others for the same common good.