Click to Donate on Behalf of Rodica Stoica
Pe masura ce pandemia COVID-19 continua, noi, cei din RUF suntem pregatiti sa ajutam, iar eu, fiind din Brasov, vreau sa imi ajut Brasovul…de aceea va invit sa lansam impreuna o campanie de strangere a fondurilor necesare pentru achizitionarea echipamentelor de protectie a personalului medical si a pacientilor, a aparatelor medicale-teste Coronavirus, ventilatoare, a dezinfectantilor, toate acestea atat de necesare in lupta impotriva COVID-19.
100% din fondurile donate prin Romanian United Fund (RUF) vor ajunge la unul dintre partenerii nostri de incredere din Romania - MagiCAMP, Declic/ Dăruiește Viață, sau Tășuleasa Social si apoi distribuite la spitalele unde este cea mai mare nevoie.
Trecem printr-o perioada dificila, in care ne vom dezvalui temerile, deznadejdile, sperantele… dar in care ne vom dezvalui si modul in care tratam lumea din jurul nostru.
Orice donatie nu este nici prea mare, nici prea mica si re-distribuirea acestor informatii poate face diferenta in aceasta lupta impotriva COVID-19 in care este angajata toata lumea.
Va multumesc.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we at RUF are ready to help and I, being from Brasov, want to help Brasov… This is why I invite you to join me to launch a campaign to raise the necessary funds to purchase protective equipment for medical personnel and for patients, medical equipment, Coronavirus tests, ventilators, disinfectants, all these so necessary in the fight against COVID-19.
100% of the funds donated through RUF will reach one of our trusted partners in Romania- MagiCAMP, Declic/ Dăruiește Viață, sau Tășuleasa Social and then needed medical supplies will be distributed to the hospitals where they are most needed.
We are going through a difficult period, in which we will reveal our fears, our hopelessness, our hopes… but in which we will also reveal ourselves and the way we treat the world and those around us.
Any donation is neither too big nor too small and the sharing of this information can make the difference in the fight against COVID-19, in which everyone is engaged.
Thank you everyone!
Recent Activity
donationIoana Stoica donated 2022-05-09 11:24:29 -0500
volunteer signupIoana Stoica wants to volunteer 2020-03-26 17:20:19 -0500