Codrut Birsan

Founder: Chicago Summer Opera, Founder: Chicago Community Council, RCCC Ambassador
Romanian music will always remind us, Romanians, where we came from and who we are. That's why we need a Romanian Community Center of Chicago. That's why I am an Ambassador of the Romanian Community Center of Chicago. That's why "I'm in!"

Founder: Chicago Summer Opera, Founder: Chicago Community Council, RCCC Ambassador

"George Enescu,marele compozitor roman, a zis candva,

'Menirea sfântă a muzicii este să stingă urile, să potolească patimile şi să apropie inimile într-o caldă înfrăţire'

Muzica romaneasca ne va aminti mereu, nouā românilor, de unde am venit si cine suntem. De aceea avem nevoie de un Romanian Community Center of Chicago. De aceea vreau sa devin ambasador al Romanian Community Center of Chicago.

De aceea spun, I’m in." - Codrut Birsan, Sep 2021

Recent Activity

  • donation
    Codrut Birsan
    donated 2022-05-10 20:21:54 +0300
  • survey question response
    Codrut Birsan
    answered 2021-03-20 20:17:25 +0200
    Q: Please contribute your thoughts and ideas
    A: Thank you. Looking forward to other meetings!