A Week to Remember – Reviving Traditions and Restoring History

This summer, at Noţig Camp, a small group of children and teens set off on an incredible adventure in the heart of Sălaj County. This week-long event, which was organized by the Romanian United Foundation and the ARHAIC Association, united young people with a strong sense of community and a desire to preserve Romania's rich cultural legacy.

The focal point of the camp was the Ambulanța pentru Monumente Sălaj project, a unique initiative aimed at restoring and preserving historical monuments. This summer, the children rolled up their sleeves and lent a helping hand in the restoration of the wooden church in Noțig, a beautiful relic of Romanian craftsmanship that has withstood the test of time.

Learning Through Action: Restoring the Wooden Church

The campers assumed a variety of duties under the direction of knowledgeable restorers, demonstrating the value of cooperation and practical experience. They helped lay wooden shingles, carried items in wheelbarrows, and even cooked their own meals - actions that contributed to the camp's feel of purpose and fun. Being a part of a project that maintains a piece of Romania's cultural identity gave the kids a sense of satisfaction and success in addition to teaching them about the complexities of renovating old buildings.

At night, the children and volunteers slept in makeshift beds in classrooms, adding to the camp’s adventurous charm. It was a week that blended work, learning, and exploration - a rare combination that few traditional camps offer.

Immersed in Tradition: Weaving, Baking, and More

But Noțig Camp was about more than just manual labor - it was an immersion into the Sălaj region's rich cultural heritage. The children had the opportunity to dress in traditional Sălaj costumes and learn about the beauty and significance of these elaborate clothing thanks to the Ligia Bodea Museum in Iaz. Furthermore, they were taught traditional crafts like weaving on a loom, an age-old talent that has been inherited through the centuries.

Among the camp's highlights was the bread-making workshop. The kids gained a useful and symbolic skill when they learned how to make bread by hand using ancient methods. Several people were interacting with such practical culinary history for the first time, and the delight of consuming the bread they had baked themselves added to the experience.

The Lehene Family: A Driving Force Behind Community Engagement

The Noțig Camp would not have been possible without the dedication and hard work of the Lehene family.  Their commitment to preserving Romanian heritage and promoting a sense of community is demonstrated by their involvement in various projects benefiting communities in Sălaj and beyond. Mihai Lehene, along with his daughter Alexandra and his parents Valeria and Eusebiu, played a pivotal role in organizing the camp.

More Than a Camp: A Lifelong Lesson

For the children that took part, Noţig Camp was more than just a fun summer vacation. It was a chance to learn about Romanian customs, have a firsthand look at them, and support a worthwhile cause. They will cherish the memories of their time spent assisting in the restoration of a historic monument, as well as the friendships they made and the skills they acquired.

Noţig Camp is an excellent illustration of how a well-run, neighborhood-based project can encourage the next generation to value their cultural history, acquire useful skills, and cooperate to achieve a common objective. With young hands and hearts prepared to protect Romania's historic places for future generations, the future of these sites is bright, thanks to the efforts of groups like RUF and ARHAIC.

Join Us in Future Projects! 

Please get in touch with us if you would like to participate in any upcoming rehabilitation projects or cultural camps similar to Noţig. By working together, we can keep Romania's invaluable tradition intact and encourage the following generation to continue it.

RUF - Romanian United Foundation


RUF unites the global Romanian diaspora to foster strategic change through philanthropy, innovation, and community-building. By connecting leaders worldwide, RUF positions Romania as a dynamic force in the global economy for future generations.

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