Înscrierea copilului dumneavoastră la cursurile de limbă română ale RUF reprezintă o investiție inestimabilă în viitorul lor, din mai multe motive convingătoare:

  • Aceste cursuri promovează o legătură puternică cu moștenirea lor culturală, ajutându-i să-și păstreze și să celebreze rădăcinile românești. 
  • Abilitățile lingvistice deschid uși către o lume de oportunități. Competența în limba română nu numai că îmbunătățește abilitățile lor de comunicare, dar și le extinde orizonturile pentru perspective educaționale și de carieră în viitor, în special dacă au în plan să studieze sau să lucreze în România sau cu comunități vorbitoare de limbă română. 
  • Instructorii noștri experimentați creează un mediu de învățare stimulant asigurându-se că copilul dumneavoastră nu numai că învață limba, dar dezvoltă și o apreciere mai profundă pentru cultura și istoria românească.

Oferiți copilului dumneavoastră darul limbii, al moștenirii și al potențialului nelimitat cu cursurile de limbă română ale RUF.

Oferim un curs de limbă română plătit, format din 20 de sesiuni, în parteneriat cu ARCS - American Romanian Cultural Society.

Datele cursului

Cursurile încep pe 7 octombrie, cu o lecție GRATUITĂ pentru toți. Copilul dumneavoastră are ocazia să aducă un prieten pentru o experiență de învățare îmbogățitoare. În timpul primei lecții, copiii vor fi evaluați, iar grupurile vor fi formate în funcție de vârstă și competența lingvistică.

Începând cu 10 octombrie, programul va fi următorul:

  • Sâmbătă la ora 9:30 AM CST pentru copiii cu vârste între 6 și 12 ani (2 grupuri)
  • Sâmbătă la ora 12:30 PM CST pentru copiii de 10 ani și peste (1 grup)

Activitățile vor avea loc la ROCO Chicago: 5406 N Kedzie Ave, Chicago, IL 60625, Statele Unite

Ce puteti să așteptați de la acest curs:

  • Obiectivele generale se bazează pe dezvoltarea abilităților elevilor în toate componentele lingvistice: ascultare, vorbire, lectură și scriere.
  • Ne propunem să acoperim o varietate de domenii tematice: de la legume și fructe la plante și activități legate de natură, la identificarea culorilor și descrierea indivizilor, cum ar fi anotimpurile (toamna și activitățile de toamnă, iarna - sărbători și tradiții românești, etc.), Ziua Națională, cu subteme corespunzătoare precum jocuri, povești/basme, activități specifice de relaxare pentru fiecare anotimp, animale preferate, desene animate, etc. Astfel, cunoștințele legate de aceste teme vor fi actualizate, iar vocabularul elevilor va fi îmbogățit cu elemente lexicale noi.
  • Vom încuraja exprimarea în limba română prin activități de grup în care copiii pot învăța unii de la alții prin colaborare și cooperare, prin jocuri educative, discuții libere, utilizarea materialelor vizuale, lucru în perechi și echipe, activități care implică mișcare, cântece, gesturi, jocuri, etc.

Registration is now CLOSED

Enrolling your child in RUF's Romanian language classes is an invaluable investment in their future for several compelling reasons:

  • these classes foster a strong connection to their cultural heritage, helping them to preserve and celebrate their Romanian roots.
  • language skills open doors to a world of opportunities. Proficiency in Romanian not only enhances their communication abilities but also expands their horizons for future educational and career prospects, especially if they plan to study or work in Romania or with Romanian-speaking communities.
  • our experienced instructors create a nurturing and engaging learning environment, ensuring that your child not only learns the language but also develops a deeper appreciation for Romanian culture and history.

Give your child the gift of language, heritage, and limitless potential with RUF's Romanian language classes.

We are offering a paid 20-session Romanian language course in partnership with ARCS- American Romanian Cultural Society.

Course Dates

Classes start on October 7 with a FREE lesson for all. Your child has the opportunity to bring a friend along for an enriching learning experience. During this first class, children will be assessed and groups will be formed based on age and language proficiency.

Starting with October 10, and the schedule will be as follows:

  • Saturday @9:30 am CST for kids 6 -12 (2 groups)
  • Saturdays@12:30 pm CST for Kids 10+ (1 group)

Course location

Activities will take place at ROCO Chicago:5406 N Kedzie Ave, Chicago, IL 60625, United States  

What should you expect

  • The general objectives are based on building students' skills across all linguistic components of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
  • We aim to cover a variety of thematic areas: from vegetables and fruits to plants and activities related to nature, to identifying colors and describing individuals, such as seasons (autumn and autumn activities, winter - holidays and Romanian traditions, etc.), National Day, with corresponding subthemes like games, stories/fairy tales, specific relaxation activities for each season, favorite animals, cartoons, etc. This way, knowledge related to these themes will be updated, and students' vocabulary will be enriched with new lexical elements.
  • We will encourage expression in the Romanian language through group activities where children can learn from each other through collaboration and cooperation, through educational games, free discussions, the use of visual materials, working in pairs and teams, activities involving movement, songs, gestures, games, etc.


  • Are you passionate about teaching and have expertise in Education and the Romanian Language? We're thrilled to extend the offer of using the RUF platform to you completely free of charge. Simply click the "Register" link and tick the "I'd like to be a teacher" box to get started on this fulfilling journey. Join our community of passionate educators and help us spread the love for the Romanian language!


Proiect finanțat de Departamentul pentru Românii de Pretutindeni" (martie – octombrie 2023)

Conţinutul acestui site/ website nu reprezintă poziţia oficială a Departamentului pentru Românii de Pretutindeni

Are you interested in other classes? See all our courses


  • The Following classes can only be taken online through our partners, American Romanian Cultural Society (Seattle)

    Join ARCS Classes

    Improve Your Writing, Reading and Speaking Skills (ages 6+)

    Students will practice reading, listening, writing, and speaking in Romanian. We will review the reading comprehension skills and strategies necessary for reading success using contemporary Romanian authors appropriate to our students' age. Taking as a departure point our chosen texts, we will explore notions of Romanian geography, culture, and civilization.

    In this course, students will practice reading, listening, writing, and speaking in Romanian. We will review the reading comprehension skills and strategies necessary for reading success using contemporary Romanian authors appropriate to our students' age. Taking as a departure point our chosen texts, we will explore notions of Romanian geography, culture, and civilization. We will keep a vocabulary journal and write our own texts or blog entries. Whenever possible, we will meet the authors and interview them. Groups of 4-5 students / 60 min, weekly. 

    Romanian Heroes / Eroi Români (ages 6-9)

    Children will learn about human relations and emotions through the study of Romanian legendary characters, illustrious historical figures, as well as contemporary stars. We will use fun, engaging methodologies to enrich their daily vocabulary, strengthen communication skills, and improve pronunciation and reading competence through short texts, poems, songs, proverbs, riddles, and games.

    This class aims to help students explore and fully embrace their Romanian identity. They will learn about human relations and emotions through the study of Romanian legendary characters, illustrious historical figures, as well as contemporary stars. We will use fun, engaging methodologies to enrich their daily vocabulary, strengthen communication skills, and improve pronunciation and reading competence through short texts, poems, songs, proverbs, riddles, and games. The students will interact with real Romanian role models that they will discover throughout the semester. Basic knowledge of Romanian required; groups of 4-5 students/60 min, weekly.

    Romanian Explorers/Exploratori Români (ages 10-13)

    Students will discover Romanian illustrious figures and find inspiration in their pioneer spirit, courage, and tenacity. The students will interact with real Romanian role models while developing a global perspective of their place in the world as bilingual and bicultural citizens.
    This class aims to help students explore and embrace their Romanian identity and heritage. They will discover Romanian illustrious figures and find inspiration in their pioneer spirit, courage, and tenacity.  The students will interact with real Romanian role models while developing a global perspective of their place in the world as bilingual and bicultural citizens.  Basic knowledge of Romanian is required. Groups of 4-5 students / 60 min, weekly sessions
  • Românul Corp Online Language School offers virtual classes to children and adults interested in learning Romanian and understanding and connecting with the most important aspects of the Romanian language and culture. We strive to offer our students quality courses through dialogue, play, music, project-based activities, critical thinking, and interactions with their peers in Romania and with the Romanian-American community.

    The school is organized by Romanul Corp, a 501c3 non-profit organization from Connecticut, but we welcome students from any other state who can connect remotely via Zoom.
    Please visit our school's webpage at www.romanulonline.org/school.

    A new semester of classes will start on September 23. Registration is open at https://romanulonline.org/classes

    What we offer:
            small online classes of up to 5 students
            curriculum using modern methodologies
            heritage language methodology adapted to each level of competence and age
            experienced and dedicated teachers
            low fees for the Romanian-American community
            summer outdoor classes and events in person (Connecticut only)
            full scholarships for families in need.

    More details, events, and announcements can be found at www.romanulonline.org
RUF - Romanian United Foundation


RUF is a 100% pass-through fundraising platform. We help diaspora & local nonprofits in Romania access the funding, tools, training, and support they need to become more effective. We do this by connecting NGOs, donors & volunteers from all over the world