After we started the new year with a month of planning, we sprang into action to work on the plans. We learn every day about people that go beyond their own lives in living the higher mission of helping others. It is a "muscle" you work on every day. I supposed that, like with everything else, it gets better with practice.

February is a month when love is more on display than in the rest of the year, conjured up by both Valentine's Day and the more traditional Dragobete.

It is a good segue to this month’s herald that, as you will notice, is about hope, love, partners (different kinds though), unity, and smiles. I think we might overdo it if we mention rainbows and unicorns, right? Even with the foot of snow outside my Chicago window, I know that the shadow of winter will start quickly and quietly receding and that the warmth and green we all long for will be approaching. After all, it’s already February.


The partners (the other kind ;)

In 2020 our humanity encountered many moments of chaos that prevailed everywhere, in all industries, and at every societal level. We at RUF do not like chaos and want to stay away from it. We are continuously improving our way of thinking to be better prepared for unforeseen challenges that the future throws at us. At RUF, we love things organized and efficient, we appreciate complexity turned into simplicity, and we make all possible attempts to improve all our actions and efforts.

Since one of our organization's mission is to support the beautiful projects that our partners make possible, we want to ensure the ultimate success for all. To secure better chances for these projects to thrive, this year RUF has organized the fundraising efforts in six areas of interest and within specific time-frames of the year: Heritage (March), Environment (April), Healthcare (June), Education (August), Civic Engagement (October), Diaspora Community (December).  The relevant projects are submitted at least one month in advance. 

Your support will help us to continue the 100% pass-through fundraising model toward the causes we carefully select, build a global community of like-minded people from all walks of life, and make an impact in local communities and Romania.

Say ”giiiiiive”!

 Become our Hidden Hero

We offer you another reason to smile while doing what you might like: shop. We have joined Amazon Smile, so we could be your organization of choice on it. This way, 0.5% of qualifying purchases that you make on Amazon will be redirected to RUF.

Please visit to select Romanian United Fund (RUF) as your choice.  This will make part of your Amazon purchase to be transformed into a moment of hope which will certainly reside one day into someone’s heart as an accomplished need.

'Cherish your Heritage' campaign 

Give me an H, give an O, give me a P, give me an E

The HERITAGE MONTH (March) is approaching fast and we are working with our partner organizations to identify the most promising projects we can all get behind.  Among them: Ambulanta pentru monumente (Asociatia Monumentum), Noi Orizonturi, Federatia Fundatiile Comunitare din Romania - FFCR.

New Volunteer

Hearts and flutters.

Yup, we really love our volunteers without whom we would not exist. 

We welcome Cody Barbu as our new content creator volunteer. Cody Barbu graduated from Northeastern Illinois University with a major in Communications, Media, and Theater and a Minor in Criminology. Cody believes that "in a world dominated by widely spread corruption and superficiality, change can be brought only by unity. If communities come together, with minimum individual efforts such as contributing 0.5% from Amazon Smile purchases, it is just a matter of time before results take shape and blurry horizons change into realistic futures. Unity enhances other social values and increases the awareness of the need to take action in vulnerable areas. I believe RUF brings unity. The rest of the values that form developed communities will follow."

We hear you, Cody, and completely agree with you!

Active RUF Fundraising Campaigns:

Please join us to support the fundraisers for Daruieste Viata and Asociatia Magic. Share them with your friends and let’s bring some well-deserved relief to some people in need:

Fundraiser for RUF - Romanian United Fund by Asociația Magic 

This fundraiser helps the MAGIC Association support 5,000 children with severe conditions.  

Fundraiser for RUF - Romanian United Fund by Daruieste Viata

'Daruieste Viata' Foundation is gathering funds for building a modular hospital in Piatra Neamt. Part of the hospital was destroyed in a fire last November when 10 Covid-19 patients died and four medics were injured.

Like RUF? Support us!

Thank you,

Ana Neamt, Word Whisperer in Chief

Cody Barbu, Deputy Word Whisperer

Romanian United Fund

RUF - Romanian United Foundation


RUF unites the global Romanian diaspora to foster strategic change through philanthropy, innovation, and community-building. By connecting leaders worldwide, RUF positions Romania as a dynamic force in the global economy for future generations.

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