Last year was the “catch-up” year. Catch-up with family, friends, news, catch-up with TV shows or books. For the lucky ones, 2020 allowed time to spend more time with loved ones (even if with some it was done remotely). I, for one, have called my parents more often and more regularly than before; I spent about an hour on December 31st talking to my college dorm roommates and very good friends. I read a bit more and binge-watched TV quite a lot. This year hopefully will be the “move forward / ahead” year. There’s a saying: “ a kick in the… hmm… butt is a step forward”, and while 2020 seemed to be doing a lot of kicking, now’s the time for moving ahead.
A few newsletters ago I mentioned that a picture in my house reads: Life is like a camera… Focus on what is important; capture the good times: develop from the negatives and if things don’t work out, take another shot”. 2021 is the “take another shot” year.
New RUF Community Partners
We are proud to announce the new community partners that joined us: ARDOR, Conservation Carpathia Foundation (FCC), Cu Alte Cuvinte (CUAC), Romanian Federation for Community Foundations (FFCR), Asociatia Momentum- Ambulantă pentru Monumente, Dăruiește Viață, Fundația Principesa Margareta, Salvați Copiii, United Way.
They are joining the group of outstanding RUF Community Partners: Asociatia Magic, Caravana cu Medici, Code 4 Romania, Declic, Funky Citizens, Noi Orizonturi, Rise Project, Recorder, Tasuleasa Social, Teach for Romania, Vedem Just. We are looking forward to working with all of them this year.
We want to thank all the organizations that applied for becoming our partners in 2020. We appreciate their exceptional work and their contribution to the development of Romanian society. We are honored and humbled by them considering us a potential partner in their growth and in achieving their mission.
2020 Volunteer of the Year
We’ve witnessed so many heroes in action in 2020, but for us, at RUF, the real heroes of last year where the core team of volunteers that made everything possible. They have given thousands of hours of volunteering to support our community partners, our programs, the fundraising efforts, communication to all of you.
They are, in no specific order: Andreea Rebaltescu-Coca (Communication), Mihaela Livanu (Community Partners), Ariana Drula (Volunteers), Miruna Zamfirescu (Fundraising), Adina Sandu (UX), Ana Neamt (Newsletter), Ana Nedelcu (Community), Raluca Parsa (Communication), Ligia Apostoaia (Admin), Cosmina Ungur (Admin), Tudor Ancas (Fundraising).
In the name of our Board of Directors, the Board of Advisors, and the President of RUF, Mihai Lehene, thank you for being the heart and soul of RUF.
With gratitude,
Daniela Kammrath
Executive Director
Romanian Film Festival of Chicago becomes a streaming platform
RUF was proud to be a partner of the 3rd edition of the Romanian Film Festival of Chicago (ROFest.Trend), which usually takes place in Chicago USA, and held online. Between December 20th and 30th, 2020, ROFest Trends Romanian Film Festival promoted Romanian contemporary cinematography- both feature films and short films- among the American public and, specifically, within the Romanian community of the USA. The Festival presented 9 feature films, 9 animations, 15 documentaries, and 7 short movies.
“RoFest.Trend Film Festival tells East-side stories, these movies gather the ‘old’ and the ‘new’ combining and colliding to create new, unique plots, genuine combinations of feelings and experiences.”
ROFest Trends Video streaming platform, dedicated to Romanian movies of all time, is now available full year. They update their films list on a monthly basis: feature films, short films, documentaries, animations, and many more.
Active RUF Fundraising Campaigns:
Please join us to support the fundraisers for Daruieste Viata and Asociatia Magic. Share them with your friends and let’s bring some well-deserved relief to some people in need:
We can make MAGIC for 5,000 children with severe conditions!
Fundraiser for RUF - Romanian United Fund by Asociația Magic
Împreună pentru Moldova. Construim Spitalul Modular ATI Piatra Neamț.
Fundraiser for RUF - Romanian United Fund by Daruieste Viata
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