Dear Friend,

All seasons have their own magic and charm and here we are in the middle of summer again. July is the month for vacations and traveling to places where we can recharge our souls and spirits regardless of how different that may look for each of us. We hope that this newsletter will help you feel recharged as we celebrate what we've accomplished together. 


#PlayForGood Wrap Up

During our #PlayForGood campaign almost 700 people chose to support Asociatia Magic in order to cover summer camps and #Play activities for children with life-limiting conditions. Our goal was ambitious and you rose to the occasion. Thank you for your commitment to RUF!

Through your efforts, hundreds of children will be benefiting. Although the entire amount has not been raised, we are working on creatively finding ways to make sure every child that is allowed to travel by his doctor will get to participate one way or another in this program.

To follow up on this program, just watch for #playforgood on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram

#MindYourHealth Campaign

RUF Mind Your Health

Here at RUF we've dedicated the month of July to health and helping our partners in Romania provide and plan for better healthcare services in the communities they serve.

Daruieste Viata launched the campaign Together for a chance at childhood which aims to increase the quality of life for children who undergo hemodialysis at the Marie Curie Hospital Center. In order to do that, they would like to purchase 2 high-performance machines that will reduce the adverse effects of hemodialysis.


The hospital center is currently equipped with 7 hemodialysis machines, 3 of which have exceeded the number of hours of hemodialysis they can process. The other 4 are technologically outdated. The age and overuse of the equipment increase the adverse effects of hemodialysis on patients.
Due to these conditions, Daruieste Viata would like to support the children in need of treatment by supplying the center with high-performance machines.

Caravana cu Medici launched The first Romanian pilot project for screening colorectal cancer and aims to raise 5000 USD to support their efforts.

The screening is considered to be the main method for fighting against the disease. Unfortunately, in Romania, there is no strategy at a national level for colorectal cancer prevention and no screening program (like there is for cervical cancer).

The money raised will help Caravana Cu Medici test approx. 450 asymptomatic people of ages between 45-75. Patients who test positive will be guided for further investigations at the closest gastroenterology department, where, with the help of a colonoscopy, a potential malign lesion can be confirmed or excluded.

Ziua Iei

RUF Ziua Iei 2021


On June 24th, Romanians everywhere celebrated the International Day of the Romanian Blouse (ziua iei).  Some of our volunteers joined the celebration by wearing traditional Romanian garments and they looked wonderful wearing the Romanian blouse. We thank them for keeping the tradition alive.

RUF Volunteers on Via Transilvanica

On July 4th, 24 Romanian Americans and one American embarked on a little expedition to explore Via Transilvanica.

The Vatra Dornei to Tasuleasa component is a 3-day hiking route, that will take you straight through the heart of Transylvania, and end up at the Tasuleasa Social camping ground, where you can learn more about the wonderful organization that made this incredible project possible.

During this trip, Mihai Lehene, president of Romanian United Fund is raising $10,000 for Via Transilvanica and this is his message to you:

“I know you probably already donated to other projects, so I’ll make you a deal: donate $1 to show that you care and you support Via Transilvanica.

For $1, you will get updates and hundreds of photos from my trip. What matters most is that everyone sees that you support Via Transilvanica and who knows, maybe a few of your friends will join us, either this year, or the next, or whenever they want)

On December 6th 2019, you helped raise $106,000 for Via Transilvanica, which is absolutely AMAZING! We are all super proud.

Our group of 25 Romanian Americans, Americans and a few Romanian friends have started our first annual trip on Via Transilvanica, to see what our money was spent on. And we can honestly say, Via Transilvanica is gorgeous. But don’t take my words, see for yourself. I will be uploading hundreds of photos from my VT trip on my Facebook and Instagram accounts.

If you like what you see, and if you care about Via Transilvanica, the most amazing program promoting Romania’s beauty around the world, make a small donation

Amazon Smile Campaign

The campaign is picking up speed! Select RUF as your charity of choice today. Please remember RUF in your Amazon App on your phone and make sure you use (not simply when you purchase from your computer.

Check out and share our Amazon Smile video on youtube (courtesy of Cody Barbu).


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RUF - Romanian United Foundation


RUF is a 100% pass-through fundraising platform. We help diaspora & local nonprofits in Romania access the funding, tools, training, and support they need to become more effective. We do this by connecting NGOs, donors & volunteers from all over the world