Our new module (Nov 2020) has started. Visit new class.

Class started: March 1st, 2020

Class type: Zoom

Class Teachers: Mihai Lehene & Eli Katz

Class modules:

  • April: Drawing (12 sessions)
  • May: Animation (12 sessions)
  • June: Game Building (4 sessions + 8 Q&A sessions)

Update: June 26th

After a little over two months, with just a little help, the kids were able to create their own little game. Keep an eye on our Youtube channel for the latest version.

Update: May 15th

27 children started our class in April. By the end of the first 12 lessons, there were all able to draw, and some were able to do basic animations.Β 

RUF - Romanian United Foundation


RUF is a 100% pass-through fundraising platform. We help diaspora & local nonprofits in Romania access the funding, tools, training, and support they need to become more effective. We do this by connecting NGOs, donors & volunteers from all over the world