When September 19, 2024 at 6:00pm CDT 1 hr 30 mins
Where Zoom
Contact Marina Ceclan [email protected]

About the Excellence Center

The RUF Excellence Center, brought to you by the Romanian United Foundation, is a cornerstone in the development of both diaspora and local nonprofits in Romania. We ensure access to essential resources - from funding to training. Dive deep into courses on computer programming, stock market investing, cybersecurity, mathematics, and the Romanian language. We currently offer classes to children between 6 and 14 years old, that are taught mostly by Romanian teachers living in North America.

Event Details

Join us for an in-depth webinar on navigating the application process for DRP (Departamentul pentru Romanii de Pretutindeni) funding. Discover the eligibility criteria, required documentation, and best practices for preparing a successful application. Hear firsthand from previous recipients about their experiences and insights. Engage in a comprehensive Q&A session to address specific questions and concerns. Whether you are new to grant applications or looking to enhance your proposal-writing skills, this event is crucial for anyone interested in securing DRP funding to support projects benefiting Romanian communities worldwide.

Key Features

Field Experts:  Participants will have access to experts experienced in creating and managing projects funded by DRP. These experts will provide guidance on project design, application strategies, and navigating the funding process. They will share practical advice and examples of successful projects, offering valuable insights into effective grant writing and project management within the context of Romanian diaspora initiatives.

Detailed Resources: Participants will gain access to comprehensive guidelines. They will receive support materials such as project documentation, evaluation criteria, and budgeting tools to aid in developing compelling grant proposals. 

Title: How to Apply for DRP Funding
Moderators: Marina Ceclan 
Date: September 19th, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM CST or 2 AM - 3:30 AM EEST (please note it will be the next day for Romania)
Platform: Zoom (link will be communicated in your RSVP confirmation email)

Event Agenda

  • Presentation of the DRP Funding Program: This segment will introduce and explain the DRP funding program, its objectives, focus areas, and how it supports projects benefiting Romanian communities worldwide.
  • Requirements and Eligibility Criteria: Participants will learn about the specific requirements and eligibility criteria that applicants must meet to qualify for DRP funding. This will include details on project scope, target beneficiaries, budget considerations, and other relevant factors.
  • Documentation Needed and How to Prepare It: Overview of the documentation required for a DRP funding application. It will cover necessary forms, project proposals, budget plans, and any additional supporting documents, along with tips on how to effectively prepare and organize these materials.
  • Examples of Successful Applications: Participants will review case studies and examples of successful DRP funding applications. These examples will highlight effective strategies, compelling project proposals, and key elements that contributed to their approval and implementation.
  • Question and Answer Session: The event will conclude with a Q&A session where participants can ask specific questions about the DRP funding program, application process, or any related topics. Experts will provide clarifications, advice, and insights to help applicants better understand and navigate the funding opportunity.

Don't miss the opportunity to learn how to transform reading into an enjoyable and educational activity for children in your community. Click the RSVP button to secure your spot at our webinar.

Contact Us

Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact our team. Email: [email protected]


Proiect finanțat de Departamentul pentru Românii de Pretutindeni (martie – octombrie 2024)

Conţinutul acestui site/ website nu reprezintă poziţia oficială a Departamentului pentru Românii de Pretutindeni.

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