RUF's "Little Programmers", Class of May 2021
Class code: 9HJEVJQ9
Zoom link:
Resources used in this class
- Zoom link:
- This webpage:
- The website (click to sign in; class code 9HJEVJQ9)
- The Whatsapp group
- The Kirby Game, created by The Kirby Invaders (our advanced class)
- Start a new project on Khan Academy
Note: If you need any help with your assignment, or if you can't find something, please reach out to us via Whatsapp
Questions? Find some answers on our Little Programmers FAQ page.
Class #22: Wed, Apr 12th, 2021
Closing Credits! You guys ROCK! Super awesome having everyone here today. Our video is here, let's watch and see what we did together:
Class #22: Wed, Apr 12th, 2021
Wrap up our game, review.
Class #22: Wed, Apr 12th, 2021
More enemies, how to create a new game level.
Class #21: Wed, May 05th, 2021
Review: Building blocks: variables, functions, if-else statements, for loops, arrays.
Class #20: Wed, Apr 28th, 2021
Assigned Homework (see your Khan Academy account):
- Looping through Arrays
- Challenge: Favorite Animals
- Modifying Arrays
- Challenge: Constellation Maker
- Review: Arrays
- Project: Make it rain
To be available after class
Class #19: Wed, Apr 21st, 2021
Assigned Homework (see your Khan Academy account):
- Readable Code
- Clarifying with Comments
- Writing clean code
- Intro to Arrays
- Challenge: Favorite Fruits
Class #18: Wed, Apr 14th, 2021
Assigned Homework (see your Khan Academy account):
- For Loops! A New Kind of Loop
- Challenge: Lined Paper
- Nested For Loops
- Review: Looping
- Project: Build-a-House
Class #17: Wed, Apr 7th, 2021
We're now working on the THIRD level of our game. Today, we introduced the concept of arrays, and we added an animated character to our game. Checkout the last version!
Assigned Homework (see your Khan Academy account):
- Intro to While Loops
- Using While Loops (test)
- Challenge: A Loopy Ruler
- More While loops: Balloon Hopper
- Challenge: a Loopy Landscape
Class #16: Wed, Mar 31st, 2021
We loved our last class! We got to improve our code, add a new "enemy" that bounces around, all using "IF" statements, while changing the speed (direction) of the moving enemy. That is so cool!
Don't forget to check out the shared Khan Academy account for the newest version of our game (cleaned up a little bit by Eli, thank you Eli!). And of course, your homework. We have decided to re-assign some of the challenges from last time since we know not everyone has had the chance to finish them and we feel they are really important (the "IF" statement is very important in programming).
Assigned Homework (see your Khan Academy account):
- Challenge: Your First Button(Opens in a new window)
- Challenge: Smarter Button
- If/Else - Part 1
- Challenge: Flashy Flash Card
- If/Else - Part 2
- Review: Logic and if Statements
- Random numbers
- Project: Magic 8-Ball
Class #15: Wed, Mar 24th, 2021
We are making progress. We got to if-statements. They were explained and exemplified and class, and we will continue to talk about them for a little while. Please make sure you get fully comfortable with if-statements, they are probably the most important building block in programming.
- If Statements
- Challenge: Bouncy Ball
- More Mouse Interaction
- Challenge: Your First Painting App
- Booleans
- Challenge: Number Analyzer
- Logical Operators
- Challenge: Your First Button
- Challenge: Smarter Button
Class #14: Wed, Mar 17th, 2021
Homework for Mar 17th
Class #13: Wed, Mar 10th, 2021
We learned about "For Loops" today! These are super fun, we can tell the computer to do something over, and over, in a loop, many, many times.
In this program, we saw how we can draw a bunch of trees very easily, using for loops: Row of Trees
We also fixed a lot of small bugs with our previous version of the game, mostly around the bullets, we added vertical movement, and fixed other small glitches related to the enemy: Intergalactic Shooters V2
Class #12: Wed, March 3rd, 2021
We've released version #2 of our GAME, which we baptized Intergalactic Shooters! Yoohoo!! Super Awesome! Nice job to every one who contributed so far, esp. today Ella, Dan and Luca
Check out our game here, and watch a video of our March 3rd class for more details.
FUN HOMEWORK ALERT: draw/design your favorite cartoon character (Kirby, Pinocchio, Tweety, Mickey Mouse, or even Bart Simpson) or the Rocket Ship/enemies we need for our Galaga game.
Alright, we spent a little time learning extra drawing functions this class: more specifically, curveVertex, beginShape, and endShape. We also looked at how we use rotations to rotate a shape (such as an ellipse). The commands involved in rotating functions are: pushMatrix, popMatrix, and rotate. They can all be found in the documentation section.
We are now ready to draw fancier shapes (such as Kirby for example).
Note: aside from creating your own character, there is no assigned homework on Khan Academy for Wed, Feb 27th. Remember though, working through your homework is very important. If you haven't had the chance to complete the homework for today, please make sure you make time to watch the videos and do the assignments we assigned for our last class. As usual, our TAs will be available at 4:30PM CST next Tuesday for you.
One more thing, for this class, we thought we would share with you (for inspiration), version 1 of "Kirby's Adventures". Here it is:
Class #11: Wed, Feb 24th, 2021
Moving onto functions. This is starting to get a "liiittle" complicated, but don't worry, we've got your back. Functions are fun. We can use them like stamps. You "call" a function over and over, and the code inside gets repeated as many times as you want. Functions are very powerful, and we will use them over and over in our game.
Class #10: Wed, Feb 17th, 2021
Diving down deeper into variables. You will use these ALL THE TIME! Variables allow us to move our characters in our game and design the game levels. So don't miss this homework, and if you did not do the last one, please go back and review it.
- Using Math Expressions in JS
- Resizing Shapes
- Using Variable Expressions
- Challenge: Brown Bear Eyes
- Project: Animal Attack
We are sorry, this recording is not available.
Class #9: Wed, Feb 10th, 2021
MOUSE and KEYBOARD interactions. We're getting closer to creating our game. Now we are learning how to control a computer program using our mouse and keyboard.
Homework is key, please make sure you always do your homework before coming to class. If you need help, our Teaching Assistants will be available for you on zoom on Tuesday, 4:30-5:00 PM
Class #8: Wed, Feb 3rd, 2021
ANIMATIONS rule! This is cool stuff boys and girls ;)
If you haven't done your homework last time, please make sure you go back and review all of them.
Recording not available
Class #8: Wed, Jan 27th, 2021
We are starting ANIMATIONS! Assigned homework:
Class #7: Wed, Jan 20th, 2021
The sixth level of our Kirby Game has been released.
Note: If you need any help with your assignment, or if you can't find something, please reach out to us via Whatsapp
Variables review and challenges:
Extra homework
Using variables for the x and y coordinates:
You can use this website for inspiration. Next class, we will learn how to draw and animate these characters.
Class #6: Wed, Jan 13th, 2021
The sixth level of our Kirby Game has been released.
- If you need any help with your assignment, or if you can't find something, please reach out to us via Whatsapp
- Intro to Variables
- Using variables
- Draw a basic snowman and use an X variable to move it left and right
Not available
Class #5: Wed, Jan 6th, 2021
Note: There will be no class on Dec 23rd and Dec 30th. Happy Holidays!!! See you next year :)
The fifth level of our Kirby Game has been released.
- Click here to start a new project on Khan Academy
- New students were added to the roster and homework was assigned
- If you need any help with your assignment, or if you can't find something, please reach out to us via Whatsapp
- Homework is optional: Draw, color, and decorate a beautiful Christmas Tree. Review previous assignments.
Recording not available
Class #4: Wed, Dec 16th, 2020
Note: There will be no class on Dec 23rd and Dec 30th. Classes restart on Jan 6th, 2021
The fourth level of our Kirby Game has been released, we hope you like our Goombas :)
Login to website. Learn colors and shapes, learn about documenting your code, and cook something for dinner!
- Coloring-with-code
- Quick-tip-color-picking
- Challenge-sunny-snowy-day
- The-power-of-the-docs
- Project-whats-for-dinner
Not yet uploaded
Class #3: Wed, Dec 9th, 2020
Login to website. Create your first snowman! Enjoy :)
Class #2: Wed, Dec 2nd, 2020
Login to website. Review carefully what we watched/read in class. Watch "Number scrubbing"
Class #1: Nov 25th, 2020
Find and open the website.
Invite your friends to join our class, after watching our videos
Videos from our previous class
Follow us on:
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