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See all Fall 2024 courses

Why should you join this class

Having basic personal financial skills is one of the most important things you can do to live a healthy, happy, and secure life.

As adults, we deal with our finances on a daily basis  through questions like:

  • The market is going up – should I participate?
  • I have some extra money, what should I do with it?
  • What’s a good interest rate and should I refinance?
  • How do loans work and how much is my monthly mortgage?

Looking back, it would have been good if we would have been prepared to answer these questions since we were kids.

In our engaging program, we delve into the realms of trading and long-term investing, covering crucial topics such as portfolios, diversification, interest rates, stocks, the stock market, bonds, ETFs, Mutual Funds, and Hedge Funds. Our aim is to demystify these financial concepts and make them accessible and understandable for young learners.

What sets our course apart is our hands-on approach. Participants will have the opportunity to open actual brokerage or trading accounts, immersing themselves in the world of financial instruments. By using real financial tools, they will gain practical insights into how these instruments function in the real world.

About the course

  • Starting Date: October 4, 2024
  • Class Teachers: Marius Moldovan
  • Class Schedule: Once a month, First Friday of every month until June 2025
  • Class Time: 5:00-5:45 PM CST (Chicago Time)
  • Target Audience: 10-18 year-olds (anyone below 99 allowed)
  • Class Format: Hybrid (In person at ROCO & Online via Zoom)
  • Value: $1000 offered to  Members* for $100 

What you will learn

  • Learn to Read: A Market Crash Course
  • Learn to Analyze: Technical vs Fundamental
  • Opening a Trading Account
  • Technical Analysis: Charting Fundamentals
  • Fundamental Analysis: X-Ray of a Private Company
  • Practice Trading: Orders and Concepts
  • Position and Risk Management

Conţinutul acestui site/ website nu reprezintă poziţia oficială a Departamentului pentru Românii de Pretutindeni
Proiect finanțat de Departamentul pentru Românii de Pretutindeni (martie – octombrie 2024)


  • In 2022, students are required to pay the full Course Fee if they are nonmembers.

    For members, only the registration fee is required. If one child takes multiple classes, one registration fee is required for each class.

    We want to offer our classes to everyone who has a high interest to learn. Therefore, we offer registration fee waivers for all families in need.

    Please note, registered volunteers do not have to pay the registration fee, but they still have to request a registration fee waiver.

      👉 Pay your registration fee here

      👉 Apply for the registration fee waiver

    NOTE: if you already paid the fee, but you are a volunteer or you did not know you qualified for a fee waiver, you can ask for a reimbursement

  • Little traders is a once-a-month year long class, starting in October, and ending in June.

  • The class is tailored for total beginners. No prior knowledge is required.

  • This class works best for anyone between 10 and 99 years old, that has no prior knowledge of markets, investing and trading. Smart 10 year olds get quite sophisticated, as most of them got really passionate about the subject.

    We've had kids as young as 6 attend this class successfully. This being said, those were exceptional cases.

  • In this class, we focus mostly on stocks and investing in the stock market. Because cryptocurrencies are "the cool" asset these days, we will definitely have quite a few lessons on cryptos as well.

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RUF unites the global Romanian diaspora to foster strategic change through philanthropy, innovation, and community-building. By connecting leaders worldwide, RUF positions Romania as a dynamic force in the global economy for future generations.

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