Nicolae Ratiu

Board of Advisors 
Chairman of the Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation, RUF Board of Advisors
Nicolae is Chairman of the Ratiu Family Foundation. Supported 2000+ Romanian students in the UK, the Ion Ratiu Chair of Romanian Studies at Georgetown, the Ion Ratiu Democracy Award & Journalism Awards, Elisabeth Ratiu Mental Health Award.

Chairman of the Ratiu Family Charitable Foundation, RUF Board of Advisors

Nicolae Ratiu is Chairman of the Ratiu Family Foundation est. 1979 in London. Mr. Ratiuย supported 2000+ Romanian students in the UK, the Ion Ratiuย Chair of Romanian Studies at Georgetown, the Ion Ratiu Democracyย Award, Ion Ratiu Journalism Award, Elisabeth Ratiu Mental Health Awardย and annual programs supporting civil society and human rights.

Recent Activity

  • donation
    Nicolae Ratiu
    donated 2023-01-21 12:40:04 -0600
  • comment
    Nicolae Ratiu
    commented on 2021 Nominations 2020-11-11 08:03:42 -0600
    I’m unclear whether just clicking on the ‘vote; link registers the vote – there is no ’Submit’ buttton