New RUF Community Partners
January 5, 2021:
We are proud to announce the new community partners that joined us:
ARDOR (Asociatia Romana de Dezbatere, Oratorie si Retorica- The Romanian Association for Debate, Oratory, and Rhetoric), Conservation Carpathia Foundation (FCC), Cu Alte Cuvinte (CUAC), Federatia Fundatiilor Communitare din Romania (Romanian Federation for Community Foundations- FFCR), Asociatia Monumentum - Ambulanța pentru Monumente, Dăruiește Viață, Fundația Regala Principesa Margareta, Salvați Copiii (Save the Children), United Way.
They are joining the group of outstanding RUF community partners: Asociatia Magic, Caravana cu Medici, Code 4 Romania, Declic, Funky Citizens, Noi Orizonturi, Rise Project, Recorder, Tasuleasa Social, Teach for Romania, Vedem Just.
We are looking forward to working with them in this long-term partnership. We want to thank all the organizations that applied for becoming our partners in 2020. We appreciate their exceptional work and their contribution to the development of Romanian society. We are honored and humbled by them considering us a potential partner in their growth and in achieving their mission.
Please, see below the final list with the nominees for the community partners' evaluations:

La Blouse Roumaine Ia Association
Art to wear, story to tell. Empowering communities through cultural heritage and design.

Cere - The Resource Center For Public Participation
Together with citizens, organizations and communities, we build day by day a just and equitable world, where people stand together and their voices are central to the decision making processes.