Tasuleasa Social

Tasuleasa Social
ENVIRONMENT: For the Tășuleasa Social association, the most important values ​​are volunteering, organizational culture, respect for nature, educating young people through practical examples, and developing civic courage among young people.

Tasuleasa Social

Financed Projects


Via Transilvanica was the subject of an extremely successful fundraiser in December 2019. Overall, RUF raised over $110,000 for Via Transilvanica, becoming a strategic partner for Tasuleasa Social.

About Tasuleasa

Before Via Transilvanica, Tasuleasa carried out acts of kindness for over 20 years of activity, each project representing our desire to open new perspectives. This is what we want to do now by setting up Via Transilvanica - open the way to those who want to see Transylvania. Our most popular projects so far are:

The Pedagogical Forest

The only “school” where you can learn why a forest is important, how it grows and how it helps to keep the balance between air, water and life. It is one of our projects that has so far brought joy to over 6,000 children, teenagers and adults.

Via Maria Theresia Marathon

A mountain running competition with the most spectacular route in Romania, which brings together hundreds of athletes each year in the Călimani Mountains. We brought back to life an old trail, linking Transylvania and Moldavia, which exists since Maria Theresia’s reign and used back then by border guards for supplying purposes. It is now animated by over 2,400 sports enthusiasts.

Mountain Hiking School

This was the first non-formal camping and hiking „school” for adults. It was the time for us to get involved in this area as well. We felt that many of those who wanted to spend time on mountain trails did not know how to do that safely and we wanted to guide them. In the three editions so far, over 800 people have learned how to hike, camp and properly organize a mountain hiking expedition.

The Christmas Truck

This project began as a desire to bring joy to children and teenagers that live in the Transylvanian countryside. If they were enrolled in a form of education, they were annually visited by Tasuleasa volunteers that brought presents prepared by German children and transported with the help of Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe Association. Along the way, the action turned into a way of educating through change, materialised into Children’s Volunteer Day.

Children’s Volunteer Day

This is the confirmation of our ambition to believe in the future of our country. This project is linked to the Christmas Truck project, in the sense that all children that received a present are asked to volunteer in the following year for the community they live in. Until now we have been pleasantly surprised by the enthusiasm with which the little ones participated every year, whether it was planting trees, cleaning the village or collecting plastic. The future depends on education and on how we teach our younger generations – through both formal education and extracurricular activities.

Afforestation campaigns

Developed several times every year, actions involving over 5,000 people who have afforested several hectare areas.

Recent Activity