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Home For Good, September 2021
Teach for Romania is part of the largest organization in the world that fights inequity through education,
Teach for All (https://teachforall.org/), present in over 60 countries on 5 continents.
In order to fulfill our vision – to create life options through quality education for every child in Romania
- we offer vulnerable children a better school experience, guided by truly inspirational teachers who
actively choose to teach in remote and challenging communities, that educators normally avoid. We
recruit and select high-potential Romanians, with proven leadership abilities, we train and support
them (with tutoring, scholarships, and additional training) over a period of two years to teach in public
schools and become leaders in vulnerable communities. Our 2-year program aims to build a new
generation of teachers who can act as role models for their pupils and also inspire other teachers from
partner schools.
At Teach for Romania, our aim is to offer children in disadvantaged communities broader perspectives
and a chance to a better future through education, through inspirational, talented, and well trained
teachers, supported through the Teach for Romania program.
Throughout the Teach for Romania intervention, we aim to improve the lives of the children we work
within three ways:
-Reduce targeted children’s risk to abandon school. In Romania, early school drop-outs remain
among the highest in Europe, at 16.4% in 2018. This rate is particularly high in rural areas (where
one in four children drop out of school), where almost half of Romania’s school-aged children
- Improve their academic results, especially focusing on basic and functional literacy. 2019
OECD PISA results show that half of Romania’s pupils suffer from functional illiteracy. On
average, the learning gap between a 15-year old studying in a rural school as compared to a 15-
year-old studying in an urban school adds up to the equivalent of 3 years of schooling. Three
years lost in school.
-Develop children’s socio-emotional abilities – such as perseverance, trust in their own capacities,
ability to collaborate and express themselves, ability to understand and manage their feelings –
critical competencies that form the foundation not only for their success in school but also for
their overall development.
Our results
In terms of student-level impact, Teach for Romania focuses on improving children's literacy and basic
maths skills and reducing violence and bullying in the classroom. Our teachers have 70% fewer violent
incidents in their classes after one year of intervention. 93% of our pupils improve their basic literacy
skills and 86% significantly improve their functional literacy skills (understanding what they read) after
one year of the program. Half of our primary teachers and class masters noticed significant progress in
reducing their students' absenteeism before the Covid19 quarantine period.
RUF campaign results
With RUF’s support, Teach for Romania organized the first digital pedagogy Academy for public teachers
in education in Romania in 2020 - a six weeks intensive experience, involving over 200 adults, 300+
hours of learning and practice hours and 330 students from under-privileged communities throughout
Romania. The result was the first generation of digital teachers, better prepared to respond to the
uncertainty of this school year. In August, Teach for Romania organized the KIDS Academy, an online
summer school that reconnected underprivileged children with school after the initial months of the
pandemic, when their contact with the school was sporadic. The Academy offered meaningful education
(literacy, numeracy, digital and socio-emotional skills) for 330 children from vulnerable communities
with limited access to resources and opportunities and several other critical deliverables for a safe and
effective modern education for underprivileged students. Romanian United Fund has been part of this
amazing journey and supported Teach for Romania to make sure that 330 children are connected for
online learning and develop new skills that will help them navigate one of the most challenging school
years in recent history.
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