Monica Ferchi

Founding Angel 
RUF Fundraiser & Founding Angel, Honorary Member of ROCO, the Romanian Community Center
Founder and CEO of TransUSA Exchange, a cultural exchange organization that specializes in placing international students and young professionals with industry leaders in the U.S.
Marius Raduca

Founding Angel 
Angel Funding,Supporter of ROCO
Cristina Haidau

Volunteer, ROCO Edu Chapter Lead, Supporter of ROCO
Dan Serban

Founding Angel 
RUF Fundraiser & Founding Angel, Key West, Florida; Honorary Member of RoCo
Dan is one of the best-connected Real Estate Agents and a Top Producer in the Luxury Real Estate market in Key West. He is passionate about preserving Romanian American values and being an Ambassador of the Romanian United Fund in the Key West Area.
Adina Sandu

Founding Angel 
Tech Support/Events
Founding Member  Volunteer 
Graduated from UIC, College of Business, with a degree in finance and works as a Digital Manager at Mainland. Fun facts: prefers a camera, unable to make a choice between hiking a mountain or walking in the sand, an incurable optimist.
Ligia Apostoaia

Board of Directors 
Founding Angel 
Secretary of the Board, CEO of MDL Investments
Founding Member  Volunteer  Teacher 
Ligia’s charity involvement began at a very young age, helping her family foundation with the distribution of humanitarian aid to the families in need in the area immediately. Today she continues to do what she is most passionate about: doing good.
Cosmina Ungur

Office Manager, Chicago
Founding Member  Volunteer 
Cosmina has a Master Degree in Economics from University of Targu Mures. She is the RUF office wizard, handling all accounting and administrative issues. She moved to Chicago from Romania more than a decade ago and she is passionate about helping people.
Stefania Suciu

Founding Angel 
Supporter of ROCO, the Romanian Community Center
Diana Muresan

Founding Angel 
Founding Angel, Honorary Member of ROCO, the Romanian Community Center
Diana Muresan is Mortgage Banker with The Federal Savings Bank, member of the Chairman Club and currently creating the first Senior Housing Department at the TFSB. She has a master degree from DuPaul University, Kellstadt Graduate School of Business.
Monica Horga

Founding Member, Ambassador of RoCo, Supporter of RoCo
Founding Member  Volunteer 
Diana Ulici

ROCO Member, ROCO Fun Chapter Lead, Supporter of ROCO, the Romanian Community Cente
Diana has an extensive background in Sports and Management, and graduated with a Master's in Healthcare Administration from National Louis University in Chicago.
Mihaela Livanu

Community Partners Director
Founding Member  Volunteer 
Mihaela is a social worker and co-founder of Spera Foundation, a nonprofit that provides educational opportunities for underprivileged children in Romania. She is also serving as an Educational Programs Advisor for SPOC Charity.
Laura Bercean

Fundraising Coordinator, Key West
Volunteer  Teacher 
Laura lives in Key West with her family, including her 4 children Andrei, Thea, Nyssa, and Clara. Laura has been working with SOS Mission, a nonprofit focused on helping homeless people and poor families. She believes all Romanians should work together.
Daniela Kammrath

Board of Directors 
Executive Director Emerita, Member of the Board of Directors
Daniela Kammrath, RUF's ED, is an experienced marketing and business development consultant, with entrepreneurial, nonprofit, and fundraising experience. She believes in doing good, empowering women, and the power of example.
Bianca Mancas

Founding Angel 
RUF Volunteer, Ambassador and Supporter of ROCO, the Romanian Community Center
Bogdan Solomie

Ambassador of the Romanian Community Center of Chicago
Andreea Rebaltescu

Communications Director
CEO & Founder of Sun Media Shine Digital Marketing Agency and Cora Phenix Entertainment. Graduated from Gheorghe Dima Music Academy in Cluj, Romania, and studied drama at the University Babes Bolyai in the same city, entertainer and published author.
Luciana Nemtanu
Luciana is a passionate advocate for diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice, particularly through mentoring programs that advance equity in education, research, and innovation. She currently works at University of Michigan.
Marina Ceclan

Excellence Center Director, Ottawa (Canada)
Staff  Teacher 
Marina lives in Gatineau with her husband, two children and their dog. Her hope is that she can make a difference by her involvement in the support of Romanians everywhere so that one day her kids can look back and think she was a good person.
Nathan Juncan

Honorary Member 
Ambassador and Honorary Member of ROCO, the Romanian Community Center
Dana Voller
HORA in MN board member, Dana loves getting involved in events that bring people together and sharing the Romanian language, culture and traditions with the rest of the world.
Marius Butas

Founding Angel 
Founding Angel, Arizona
Andra Stanciu

Young Leadership Division
Global Innovation & Technology Expert Experienced computer scientist and software developer (15+ years of experience) as well as a social entrepreneur. She is highly active in the international innovation community.
Romanian American Freedom Alliance
RAFA is a non-profit established in Colorado after the collapse of the Communist regime in Romania. Its mission is humanitarian and educational. RAFA’s goal is to help children and families, to provide supplies and equipment to hospitals in Romania
Alina Goldberger

Cristian Greger

Nicoleta Savascu

RUF Fundraiser, Toronto, CA

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