Membership Levels
Other options are also available! You can start a small recurring donation, donate one time, or simply subscribe to our newsletter to stay in touch.
RUF, as a 100% pass-through entity, exists mainly because a small number of dedicated people underwrite all operational and fundraising costs: our Members, our Founding Angels, and our Strategic Sponsors. Our 5-year plan assumes no individual will represent more than 10% of the sources of operational revenues.
This is your opportunity to become part of a special community of monthly donors who are committed to helping RUF further its mission of connecting Romanian communities worldwide. Your recurring donation can make a significant difference by allowing us to continue executing our mission.
Your monthly gift ensures a predictable income to cover the organization’s operational expenses. You can change or cancel your membership at any time.

👉 Not quite ready? Make a one-time donation.
👉 Ready to commit to more? Become a Strategic Sponsor
👉 Just wanna stay in touch? Subscribe to our newsletter
List of Current Members
Our members are a passionate and determined group of monthly givers on a mission to help RUF build a true Romanian American community in our lifetime. They are people like you, from all around the world, giving anything they can to prove how unstoppable we are when we work together.

Mihai Lehene
Board of Directors
Founding Angel
Founder, Romanian United Foundation

Miruna Zamfirescu
Founding Angel
Founding Member, Reporting Officer, VP of Fundraising

Ligia Apostoaia
Board of Directors
Founding Angel
Secretary of the Board, CEO of MDL Investments

Anamaria Neamt
Founding Member, Word Whisperer (Newsletter), Supporter of the Romanian Community Center of Chicago

Diana Muresan
Founding Angel
Founding Angel, Honorary Member of ROCO, the Romanian Community Center

Monica Horga
Founding Member, Ambassador of RoCo, Supporter of RoCo