Project Name: Frontline COVID-19 Fund

Project Name: MUV, Autonomous Robots that Sterilize Hospitals 

Link: Facebook Fundraiser 

Community Partner: Funky Citizens (ProfileWebsite )

Date: April 6, 2020

Financing: COMPLETED

Project Status: In Development

Target Amount (Facebook Fundraiser):234,758$ 

Actual Amount: 12.741$

Short Description:

The goal is to fundraise the development of at least 10 autonomous MUV robot and 50 mechanical ones to be donated to the hospitals fighting COVID on the front lines. The robots use a solution based on Uv asap - C to efficiently dizinfect the surrounding area. By partnering with MODULABFunky Citizens aim at covering their production costs.

Update, July 2020

50 mechanical robots are prepared to be sent to variety of hospitals around the country.

Unfortunately the target sum was not met and the production of autonomous robots was not possible. Regardless, the campaign has inspired the foundations of BCR and Kaufland to adopt a hospital and fund the purchase of an autonomous robot. The aim was not only to bring a better state of cleanliness in the hospitals but to promote technological innovation as a way of achieving better conditions for the patients and for the personnel.

Funky Citizens


TRANSPARENCY: Funky builds research-based, data-driven online advocacy tools. They aim to be educational and actionable, encouraging young citizens to engage in accountability and government responsibility initiatives in which they see an impact.

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