Funds Sources: Education Campaign

Project Name: Reopening debate clubs in small cities in Romania

Link: Facebook Fundraiser

Community Partner: Asociatia Romana de Dezbateri, Oratorie si Retorica (ProfileWebsite )

Starting Date: September 2021

Financing: Pending

Project Status: In Development

Total Project Budget: $11,000 (incl. non-RUF sources)


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Short Description:

After the pandemic, a lot of students were left without the significant exercise of basic speculation and critical thinking. To fortify the debate clubs and help the children, Asociatia Romana de Dezbateri, Oartorie si Retorica starts the project of Reopening debate clubs in small cities in Romania.


This project represents a solid base for saving the debate clubs, supporting the continuation of these activities and this important source of critical thinking and argumentation skills. The money gathered is used to fund 10 debate clubs in the small cities and underprivileged schools that will have a minimum of 15 club meetings per year and at least 90 students recruited.


Aimed activities and services:

  • Project planning
  • Meetings with the debate instructors
  • Ongoing online support for teachers
  • Online activities for students
  • Offline events for students and teachers
  • Evaluation and ongoing support.

After finishing this project, more than 90 students from underprivileged areas will be prepared to take significant choices in their lives.



To be available soon.

Asociația Română De Dezbateri Oratorie Și Retorică (Ardor)


At ARDOR, we use debate (in clubs, optional courses and regular classes) to teach over 30.000 students annually the skills and attitudes essential to their becoming active and informed citizens and smart employees or entrepreneurs.

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